tpt seo secrects quiz


In this episode of SEOTpreneur, host Mike Fuchigami discusses an unfair keyword strategy for TPT sellers. He explains how typos and variations in keywords can impact search rankings on TPT. Mike provides a quiz to test understanding of SEO principles related to keyword spelling variations, such as “dip thong” vs. “dipt thong” and “color” vs. “colour.”

He emphasizes the importance of including both variations of a keyword in product titles to optimize for search rankings. Mike illustrates how TPT’s search engine treats different spellings and typos, explaining that some variations are recognized as related, while others are not. For example, “math” and “maths” are recognized differently based on the search direction.

Mike also highlights the need for continuous monitoring and updating of keywords, as TPT’s search algorithm may change over time. He encourages viewers to actively test and verify their keywords to ensure optimal SEO performance.

Finally offering TPT SEO tools and personalized support for TPT sellers to enhance their SEO strategies Mike encourages to join his SEOTpreneur Pro membership.

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  • 0:00 Introduction and TPT SEO Theory
  • 4:06 TPT SEO Quiz 1
  • 7:56 Diphthong vs Diptong
  • 9:23 Colour vs Color
  • 14:20 Math vs Maths
  • 16:46 Inferring vs Inferences
  • 18:21 Which TPT keyword should you try to rank for?



Hey, TPT Sellers. It’s Mike Fuchigami. I’m the host of the SEOTpreneur YouTube community.

Last Sunday, I revealed a secret T-P-T-S-E-O manual that I discovered. We looked at secret rule number one, which was about typos.

If you haven’t watched the video, go watch it right now because it has groundbreaking information that you’re not getting from other TBT channels.

Work Period and Quiz Announcement

On Monday, I did a work period where I tried to apply the lessons that I learned about typos in TBT search.

It’s not a lesson, it’s just a work period. Listen to me in the background as you work on your own TBT store.

Today is Friday, which means it’s quiz time. For those of you who have signed up for the email newsletter, you got a chance to try this quiz in the last newsletter post.

Quiz Overview

And after I take up the answers in this video, one of the TPT sellers who replied to me with their answers will randomly win a prize.

I’m going to show you four pairs of keywords, dip, thong, and dipt thong color and color masks and math and inferring and inferences.

Secret Rule on Typos

Co secret rule number one went over this idea about typos, but I think that word typo is a little bit confusing.

It’s more about how the TPT search engine decides, which are similar to what you are looking for.

This is really important because we’ve learned that TPT search roots search results based on these eight rules that it applies.

Understanding Typos in TPT Search

If I search for a keyword, search results with that keyword, show up first, and then in the second group there might be keywords that are one typo apart, and then after that there are keywords that have two typos.

What do I mean by typo? I looked up the word bias in TPT search. That was my keyword and I was thinking about this.

Bids could be a related term because it is one character away. A typo could be a character substitution or an extra character or a removed character.

In this case, instead of saying BIAS, the one character change is changing A to the letter B-B-I-D-S.

An example that I actually saw in the search results was I typed up bias, but it was giving me search results related to base as in base 10 or baseball and base has two keyword changes, so it removed the letter I.

Importance of First Group Ranking

That’s the first change and it added the letter E at the end. That’s the second change. So this is two typos.

Here’s what I mean. If I type in TPT search bias, you can see bias shows up and then it suggests baseball and it suggests base 10 blocks.

It doesn’t suggest bids because bids isn’t a high traffic keyword. These suggestions are listed in terms of popularity rank.

So baseball has a higher popularity rank than base 10 blocks worksheets right now, but this kind of thing changes constantly.

Now, if I search up bias, I can see there’s 35,000 results. That’s over a thousand pages.

So maybe the first 400 pages have the keyword and then the next 200 pages have one typo, and then the next, the 100 pages of resources have two typos.

Impact on SEO

You see what I mean? I may not be able to see the other keywords that have typos because there are just so many keywords just because there’s so many exact keywords at the beginning here.

But I think this example shows us how important it is to be in this first group. If we want to rank, did you catch it?

This means that even if your resource has sold a million times, if it’s not in the first keyword group, it’s not going to show up at the beginning of this keyword search.

So you might a 10 resource that has a thousand reviews, and the best you’ll do is show up at the beginning of this two typo section.

And that’s because I’m looking for the keyword bias and not base. So base has two typos when I search for bias.

And in TPT search, the results would be a bunch of products that are about bias, a bunch of products that are about bids followed by a bunch of products that are about base 10 baseball, et cetera, et cetera.

Quiz Questions

Alright, quiz time, take out a scrap piece of paper, go grab a pencil, and I’m going to ask you four true or false questions for you to write the answers down to.

Assuming you want to rank well for both keywords. Optimizing your TPT product means you need to put both words in the title if you want to rank well for both of them, so true or false, dip thongs and dip thong.

Do you need to put both spellings in your product title? And if you think you need both versions, write down true.

If you think you only need to put one of them and that will cover both spellings. Put false. Pause the video to write down your answer.

Quiz Questions (Continued)

Question number two, color and color. Do you need to put both spellings of that keyword in your product title? If you want to rank for both true or false, pause the video to write down your answer.

Question number three, maths and math. And depending on what part of the world you grew up in, you definitely have a preference. One of those is right and one of those is wrong.

But from an SEO perspective, if I want to rank for both keywords, do I have to put both math and maths in my product title? True.

If you think both of those keywords need to be in your product title, false. If you think one keyword will cover both of those versions, pause the video to write down your answer.

And question number four, inferring and inferences. Teachers might look up inferring as a reading strategy, but they also might look up making inferences.

If I have inferring, does that mean I’ll automatically rank for inferences and vice versa? If you think I need to put both versions of the keyword in my product title to optimize for both of them, then write down true.

Significance of the Quiz

Remember, I want to be in that first group for both inferring and for inferences. On the other hand, if you think that one of these words will cover both versions, write down false.

Pause the video to write down your answer. Let’s see how your answers compare with the answers I received via email.

Some features thought these were all false. You only had to include one version in your TPT product title, and this question is significant because if you get this wrong, then you won’t show up in the first group when teachers are searching for that word, which means you won’t be seen unless there’s not a lot of competition and resources for that.

Common Misconceptions

Some TPT sellers thought that it’s only inferring in inferences where I have to have both versions because dip thong and dip thong are just spelling differences.

Is that what you wrote down? Maybe you thought math and maths would be two separate keywords.

Some people saw from last Sunday’s video that dip thong, and dip thong at that time were recognized by TPT two separate keywords. So that’s probably why they put true.

Some TPT sellers thought it’s not just dip dons. It’s also inferring in inferences. Maybe we’re going to find out shortly.

Some teachers felt that math and maths plural were two separate keywords, so depending on which one you put in the title, that’s what you were optimizing for.

But everyone seemed to agree that color and color would be recognized by the system as the same keyword.

Verification and Updates

The answer is we have to check ourselves. This video is recorded on Friday, June 7th, 2024.

So the answers that I present are correct today, but if you watch this video in a week or a month, the answers may have changed.

We actually have to monitor these keywords if we want to optimize.

The basic rule seems to be that you need to put both versions of the keyword in your product title unless TPT search recognizes both keywords as meaning the same thing.

And the way that we can figure that out is by searching for one of the keywords and seeing if the other version gets highlighted.

So right now, I’m going to look up all these words to see what happens in theory, because these are two different spellings, they should count as different keywords.

TPT Search Recognition

But in practice, TPT search is able to recognize some synonyms and sometimes it’s been hard coded or manually coded by a person to recognize certain variations as really being the same keyword.

I’m going to search up dip thg spelled correctly with a silent H. I see that it’s highlighted dip thong with a silent H, and that’s how I know that the search engine consider that word.

But I’m looking for examples where dipt thong without the silent H is also highlighted. In fact, I’m going to gorl F to find and then I’m going to search up dip thong.

Here’s an example. I searched up dip thongs with the silent H, but the spelling without the silent H is not highlighted. I know that TPT is considering these as separate words.

Now I’ve learned that it can be programmed so that these related words are one way and not both ways.

Keyword Verification Process

So just because I spelled dip thong with a silent H and it doesn’t recognize dip thong without the silent H, it doesn’t mean vice versa is true.

I’m going to search up dip thong without a silent H, and I can see dip thong is highlighted in purple here, so it’s recognized by the search engine, and I’m going to search up dip thong with a silent H.

Here’s a perfect example because this seller has both versions in the keyword title, and I can see I searched for dip thong here and it’s highlighted in purple, but the version of the keyword with the silent H up here is not highlighted.

So that means if I want to show up in that first group for th and dip thong with a silent H, I need to have both of those versions of the keyword in my product title.

So the correct answer to number one is true. Let’s look up color and color. I’m going to search up color, the American spelling.

Color Keyword Analysis

I can see it’s searching here for C-O-L-O-R. I’m going to go Ctrl F to open up the find popup. I’m going to type color C-O-L-O-U-R.

There’s none on this first page, so I’m going to go to the second page. B-O-L-O-U-R, none on the second page.

Let’s go to the next page. Control F-C-O-L-O-U-R. Nope, none there either. And what I’m searching for with that control F trick is chrome is simply looking to see if the word C-O-L-O-U-R color is anywhere on this page.

Notice right now that it hasn’t shown up yet. Alright, let’s go to page four. Control F-C-O-L-O-U-R. Nope. Let’s go to page five.

Control F-C-O-L-O-U-R. Nope. Page six. Control. F-C-O-L-O-U-R. Yeah, there we go. Oh, interesting. I did not know this.

Alright, so color, C-O-L-O-R is recognized to be a related word with coloring. That’s highly coloring is highlighted in purple.

Spelling Differences

So if you’re trying to rank for color and coloring, they are related terms, but when I type color C-O-L-O-R, it’s not highlighting coloring, C-O-L-O-U-R-I-N-G.

So coloring with a U and color, C-O-L-O-R. The American way are recognized by the system as two different keywords. But the question was comparing color with color, one with a U, the British and Canadian spelling versus the American spelling.

Let’s see if I can find color by itself. So there’s color. Interesting. I can’t find it on this page. I’m going to go to page seven.

Control F color, page eight color. Nope. Page nine. Color. Nope. Alright, page 10. There’s 1.9 million resources here.

Color Keyword Discrepancy

This might take a while. 11. Nope. 12. Nope. 13, 15, 16, 17. Wow. Page 17. Okay, interesting.

The word color here is not highlighted in purple. So that means TPT didn’t automatically take the word color, C-O-L-O-R. And also recognize that pages with C-O-L-O-U-R are also about color.

I need to write this down because I’m going to forget Now. Remember, these word related words are not automatically going both directions.

So I’m going to search up the word color spelt the British and Canadian way with a U. And what I’m looking to see, oh my gosh, color is not highlighted.

That’s crazy. I searched for color with a U, but color without the U is not highlighted, which means that TPT search did not consider color C-O-L-O-R as the same keyword.

I want to see if coloring is also highlighted with a U. So I’m going to search up coloring. Coloring. Where are you?

Importance of Keyword Variation

Is it highlighted in purple? It is. Okay, so color and coloring are recognized as related words and TPT search are considering them both when it’s looking for products to show.

And I can tell that because it’s highlighted here. So this is groundbreaking. I got this question wrong too, but as you can see, if you spell color C-O-L-O-U-R, it’ll automatically recognize coloring and it’ll put your product in this first group.

But if you spell color the American way, C-O-L-O-R, it’ll also consider coloring as a related keyword, but it puts you in the second group.

On one hand, this makes sense to me because you’re probably looking for spelling that’s related to the way that you spell. But on the other hand, if it’s just a coloring page, does that really matter?

Maybe, maybe not. Likewise, the opposite is true. If I search for color, C-O-L-O-R products with that in the product title will show up first and then coloring will show up second color, and then color with the U will show up in the second group.

Keyword Strategy

This means that if someone is searching for color, spelled the American way, and you have a product with color, C-O-L-O-U-R with a million sales, you will never show up first for color as the search term because you are in the second group and the best you can do is show up at the beginning of the second group.

So I’m wrong, and it turns out that color, Friday, June 7th, 2024, are recognized as different keywords. If I want to optimize for both color with a U and color without a u, I need to put both in the titles and I have to find a creative way to do so.

Now it makes me think about math and math. I would suggest you pause the video now and go check for yourself to see what your answers are like.

The best way we learn is not by passively listening to some YouTube person chat, it’s by doing things ourselves.

Testing Keywords

So pause the video and see if what I say about color is true, and then double check your answers for math and inferring, I’ll be here drinking my coffee.

Oh, your answer might change because in the future the system might start to recognize these as related words.

Okay, let’s look up math and math together. I’m going to type up math. I’m going to go control F and search up math’s, plural.

There are no examples of it. On the first page, here’s the second page, it doesn’t show up. Here’s the third page, it doesn’t show up.

Here’s the fourth page, math doesn’t show up. Here’s the fifth page. Math doesn’t show up, 7, 8, 9.

Math Keyword Analysis

By the way, when you’re doing the search, when you reload the page, you actually have to delete a letter and then retype a letter to force it to look again, not on the 10th page.

Maths with an S is not the 11th page, 12th page. There we go. I can find an example on the 13th page and then I have to get rid of this X to see if it’s highlighted.

Boom. Alright, so here we have an example. I searched for math, MATH, it highlighted math, MATH, but it did not highlight math’s, plural, the British spelling, M-A-T-H-S.

So that means that the American spelling of math was not automatically considering the UK spelling of math. Let’s see if the reverse is true.

I’m going to search up math’s plural. This is a perfect example. Look, I searched up math, the British way and math singular showed up.

One-Way Conversion

So this is a one-way conversion. If I type in maths with an s and TPT resources that are spelled the American way and resources that are spelt the British way will both show up in that first group because they’re both highlighted purple by TPT search and then whatever typo would be would show up later.

On the other hand, if I search up math the American way, then keywords that have that exact spelling, MATH will show up in the first group.

And then keywords that have MA test, the British way will show up in the second group just because the system recognizes that one spelling has a related word with a different spelling version.

It’s not always both ways. So the takeaway here is if you create resources that have maths, M-A-T-H-S, and you want to rank for the American spelling of the word, you need to have both there in the title.

Math and SEO

On the other hand, if you are creating resources for your American audience, you don’t need to spell it the British way because the TPT search system will automatically show you to people searching up the British spelling of math of math.

Wow, I got this wrong too. So the answer is true and false. It depends on whether you’re trying to rank for the British keyword or the American keyword. Let’s make that yellow.

Let’s look at the last one. Inferring and inferences. Alright, please double check my work because I’m often wrong. And T-P-T-S-E-O is constantly changing.

The question is, does inferences infer shows up highlighted, but that’s not inferences, inferring and infer.

Inferring and Inferences

So look here, inferring and infer are both highlighted. So those are related words, but I’m looking for inferences. What am I looking for? Inferences, plural.

Ctrl F. Ooh, it’s on this page. Let’s see. Oh, there’s a perfect example. Look, inferring is highlighted, but inferences is not.

So if you only have inferences and someone is searching for inferring, you won’t automatically show up even though you and I know those are related words.

Okay, let’s check it the other way. I’m going to search for inferences. So I find this interesting because inferences is highlighted, but inference is not highlighted here.

I’m looking for inferring sorl F defined inferring. Look, inferring is not highlighted in purple. So the TPT search engine considers inferences separate from inferring.

Importance of Keyword Precision

Okay? This is groundbreaking because if you search up inferences, if you have inferences in the title, you will be in that first group.

On the other hand, if you only have inferring or infer, you’re going to be in a different group. Likewise, if someone is searching up inferring, then if you have inferring or infer in your title, you will show up in that first group somewhere.

And if you have inferences only, you’ll show up in the second group. So in this case, it’s true. You need to have both variations of the word if you want to rank for both variations.

Of course, the real question is do you want to rank for both keywords? If you can only choose one, which one will you rank for? And that depends.

If my store is Canadian and I only want to target Canadian teachers, then I’m definitely spelling color C-O-L-O-U-R, because that’s what Canadian teachers expect.

Final Thoughts

But if my goal is to sell to anyone and I’m basing it purely on numbers, then I might want to optimize my strategy.

If I go to SEOTpreneur Pro and click on data tools and go to the pro version of the alpha keyword tool, if I search up color spelled the American Way for all grade levels, I can see some results here at Color Pages summer.

I’m going to copy that and put this into my research tab. And then if I search for the phrase color spelled the British Way or the Canadian way, TPT gives me some different keywords.

I’m going to copy these keywords and put them on my research tab, control shift V. Here’s a summary page. Check this out.

Color by number has a popularity rank of 1621 on TPT. And color by number spelled with a U has a popularity rank of 199.

And I can see here that these are probably the same resources in the first and last position based on the number of reviews.

Keyword Ranking Strategy

If it were me, I would probably spell it the American Way if I’m comfortable with that because there’s just so much more search volume based on that.

But again, this depends on what your store brand is. Are you branding yourself as Canadian or British or your specific geographic location?

Then obviously spell the keywords that your ideal customer avatar will look for.

So the final answers are either true, true, true, true or true, true false. True. That’s not what I thought. So I guess I learned something today too.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Make sure to subscribe to the channel because on this Sunday, I’m going to look at TP-T-S-E-O, secret rule number two.

Make sure to sign up for the email newsletter because then you get to try the quiz and there are prizes.

And finally, this is kind of becoming like a free course, but the challenge with YouTube is it is a one-way medium where I stand on my soapbox and talk to the audience.

If you would rather have a one-on-one conversation about your T-P-T-S-E-O, now is the time to sign up for SEOTPreneur Pro because you get a free 30 minute onboarding call.

I just got off a call with a TPT seller who has been watching the channel since before enrika was on the live streams.

That’s a crazy long time ago. And it was so interesting to me because this is a TPT seller who clearly has been part of other groups and purchasing other products.

Final Reflections

There are lots of brilliant people out there. And they said what they like about my channel is, well, they like my personality, and they sort of like that.

I’m not shoving down marketing to upsell them to something. And then in my head, I thought, well, I’m constantly talking about this pro membership, but then I realized what makes me different I think is yes, we talk about things that other TPT seller gurus are not talking about, but my price points are ridiculously low.

And I know Alex Hermozi would tell me that I should be selling to the rich, but I think my niche are the TPT sellers that maybe don’t click directly with the current TPT guru offerings.

And that’s kind of cool. It’s like we’re finding each other. I like that a lot.

Any who, if you have any questions, ask me below in the comments and I will see you on Sunday. Have a great weekend.

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