TPT Seller / TPT SEO Tools
TPT SEO Tools, Data Tools, Keyword Tools to give you an unfair advantage.
TPT SEO Tools (#1):
FREE Simple Data Tool for TPT Sellers:
Colour-code your Page Views, Product Preview Rate, and Sold Rate so you know what to fix next.
“I love that I don’t have to spend time calculating all this product by product for myself. Like the old commercial for Staples, this is my EASY button!“
Dean Trout Little Shop of SLP
TPT Seller

TPT SEO Tools (#2):
FREE Advanced Data Tool for TPT Sellers:
Filter, sort and visualize the TPT Sales Funnel for specific products. (And lots more!)
TPT SEO Tools (#3):
SEO Keyword Ranking Tool for TPT Sellers
See where you rank for any keyword in TPT Search. And, get competitor insights while you’re at it!
The experimental version of this tool also shows the popularity ranking of the search term. So, you get a competitive advantage in finding “high traffic volume – low competition” keywords. SEOTpreneur PRO members get a sneak peek of this alpha version.
“This is a great tool that has saved me tons of time. I no longer have to scroll down TPT pages to see where my products rank. Thank you!”
Paula P
TPT Seller

TPT SEO Tools (#4):
Keyword Suggestion Tool for TPT Sellers
Type in a keyword and see what are the popular trending keywords on TPT.
The experimental version of this tool also shows the popularity ranking of the search term. So, you get a competitive advantage in finding “high traffic volume – low competition” keywords. SEOTpreneur PRO members get a sneak peek of this alpha version.
TPT SEO Tools (#5):
AI Powered Keyword Suggestion Tool for TPT Sellers
Put in the URL for one of your TPT products. This tool then suggests keywords with popularity rank and competition so you can find high volume, low competition keywords in your niche
The experimental version of this tool also shows the popularity ranking of the search term. So, you get a competitive advantage in finding “high traffic volume – low competition” keywords. SEOTpreneur PRO members get a sneak peek of this alpha version.