Did your TPT Store Ranking go up or down in January? SEOTpreneur News 14

How are you feeling about that?

  • If you’re feeling good about yourself, high five!
    (How will you feel when the TPT Store Ranking goes down?)
  • If you’re feeling discouraged by your TPT Store Rank, why do you feel that way?

I haven’t looked at my January rank yet.

Another TPT seller in the SEOTpreneur community said their ranking went down, and that made me feel nervous.

Even though how her store performs has no impact on how my store performs.

Crazy, right?

Q1: ๐Ÿ†How can you use your TPT Store Ranking to know what to improve?

It’s a trick question. I don’t think you can.

โ–ถ๏ธVideo: Should we ignore TPT Store Rank and use this insteadโ€‹

What am I missing? Leave a comment on the video and let us know how you’re using the TPT Store Ranking to know what to improve!

Q2: ๐Ÿ“ŠHow does TPT Store Rank compare with TPT Store Percentile and TPT Store Earnings?

This one we can figure out together.

Want to know how TPT store rank and earnings match up?

โ€‹How to submit your TPT store rank data anonymously.

Let’s see what we can learn together!

Q3: ๐ŸŽฏWhat’s a better metric to help us improve our TPT store?

Rather than compare ourselves with other people, what if we try to compete with ourselves?

How can we improve our personal best?

Well, first we need to know what our top 5 products are this week.

Then we can compare those top 5 products with sales during the same time period last year. This helps us compare apples to apples (because teaching and TPT have well defined seasons.)

We can also compare our top 5 products this week vs last week. This helps us compare apples to oranges (because the TPT SEO search algorithm is constantly evolving. Plus, there’s a freshness factor so if you don’t update your resources, it will probably drop in TPT ranking.)

We can use our sales data CSV and the TOP 5 Dashboard update in the Google Sheet tool.

โ–ถ๏ธWatch How to Beat Your Personal Best Using the Top 5 Dashboardโ€‹

What do you think?


Mike Fuchigami
โ€‹Strategies, Effort, Optimize, Tinker to increase sales on TPT

PS: Have you learned something new from the YouTube channel? Imagine what you can learn if you go pro with more Mike Minutes! SEOTpreneur PRO only costs $9.99 per month. It’s probably less than how much we spend at Starbucks, Spotify, or Netflix. Oh, and it’s also 25% off during the February TPT Sale.

PPS: If you’re part of SEOTpreneur PRO, check out this latest Staffroom Club video: We talk about business insurance, copyright law suits, affordable legal advice to confirm what you hear in TPT land, and how to run ads (facebook / TPT)

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