SEOTpreneur News 16 πŸŽ‰$3 SALE to get ALL of my TPT Seller Tips

HeyΒ TPT sellers,

πŸ“ˆLook at your Product Stats CSV Data in a completely new way!

Here are some questions we can now answer (for free!)

  • How many products do you have that have sold 10 times? 100 times? 1,000 times?
  • How are the products you made this year doing? How much money have they made so far?
  • I want to look at resources that have at least 300 page views
  • I want to look at the product stats for a specific product line or keyword
  • I want to look at the product stats for resources made between specific dates.

The new EPIC google sheet tool lets us filter the Product Stats CSV

Just click in the yellow cells to filter your product name or type by specific key words

Or add a minimum in the yellow cells to look at your resources that were published after Jan 1, 2021

​Watch this video to learn more​

You can add a minimum and maximum date to filter your Product Stats CSV. Watch Master Class 9 at 15:07​

πŸŽ‰Please buy this $3 growing bundle so you save a ridiculous amount of money

My goal is to provide so much value to the TPT Seller community that you can’t ignore me.

I’m giving away all of my TPT Seller tips and tricks for free on YouTube.

I have over 105 videos on YouTube right now.

(It would take you 1 day, 20 hours, 52 min, 53 sec to watch everything… but you would learn a lot about selling on TPT!)

By the way, I have this post about making money on TPT that might interest you.

Some of you have been asking for shorter content and quick answers.

So, I’m posting that type of content on my second TPT store.

​Follow Mike Fuchigami TPT Seller Tips for quick answers​

If you don’t have time to watch them all of my YouTube videos, then please get the new TPT Seller Tips and Tricks ULTIMATE BUNDLE.

It’s on sale right now for $3

  • You will get everything I post on my TPT Seller store for less than $1 per resource.
  • As I add more resources, the price will go up.
  • TPT has a maximum limit of 400 resources in a bundle.

You and I will both feel awesome if you got hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of value for $3.00

​Will you buy the GROWING bundle now at $3.00 or wait for the price to go up? β€‹


Mike Fuchigami

PS: Do you feel like you know me? I feel like I know you. Although we’ve never met, I’ve chatted with enough TPT Sellers to know that we have several things in common: TPT is not easy, it’s a grind, and people with 9 to 5 jobs don’t really get what we do. They don’t have to. We get each other.

PPS. Thanks for reading these words. I appreciate you.

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