Is this TPT Product typical? 42K free downloads made how much?! – Episode 23.

This FREE TPT product has 42,223 downloads and upsells to a $30, $60 and $120 bundle. How much money do you think it has made, according to TPT’s traffic dashboard (UTM tracking)?

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  • 0:00 Intro
  • 1:15 TPT Income Report (all time)
  • 1:20 Thinking about FREE TPT Resources
  • 2:12 Stages of a TPT TEACHERpreneur (TPT Hamster / Hawk)
  • 3:08 Free is GOOD
  • 5:13 Be extra ordinary
  • 5:56 Case Study: Looking at the free resource
  • 7:21 Case Study: Looking at sales data (UTMs)
  • 13:07 Free is BAD
  • 15:47 TRUE SEOTpreneurs
  • 21:07 Finding a sustainable business model
  • 23:35 Can you say no to say yes?
  • 24:05 Assertive Communication and TPT Business
  • 26:18 How can I help your TPT Business?
  • 29:15 Homework, Accountability, Community
  • 32:11 5 Things to ask before you start your TPT blog / website
  • 33:05 Outro: TPT Monthly Income Report (March 12, 2023)

Video Transcript

Hey, fellow TPT sellers, can you make money from free TPT Resources? That’s today’s question. I have a resource with 42,000 free downloads on TPT, and I’m trying to figure out is this typical? Here’s my free resource strategy. This is TPT. People search on TPT for whatever topics, my sales product, my product page shows up in their search, they like the product. So then they download the resource from TPT. They get this PDF free resource. And my strategy with the free resource is to include links that point back up to paid products. Can you guess how much my free TPT resource with 42,215 downloads has made so far? This free resource is part of a $30 bundle, a $60 bundle, and a $120 bundle. So the question that I want you to think about right now is how much money do you think I’ve made from this free TPT resource? Have I made $1, $10, a hundred dollars so far? A thousand dollars, $10,000? Check this out.

Hi everyone. My name is Mike Fuchigami. I am the host of the SEOT Preneur YouTube Community channel. This is a place where fellow TPT sellers like yourself, we get together and we work on our TPT stores in a way that’s different from some other TPT forms. And what’s different is we realize that this is a journey. And if we can enjoy the journey, if we can find joy in doing inconvenient tasks, then eventually we will succeed. It’s not simply a matter of pumping out content and grinding on that hamster wheel. We are using strategies, effort, optimizing what we do and Tinkering with new ideas to eventually overcome these obstacles in life and obstacles in our TPT business to achieve financial freedom. So that’s what this channel is about. And this particular episode about free TPT resources, I am focusing to this TPT Hamster and TPT Hawk group.

Now, if you’re a TPT tadpole and you’re just starting out your store, that’s fantastic, but really you should be focusing on just figuring out what works and trying to get a minimum viable product. If you’re a TPT egg and you haven’t started your TPT store yet, or you haven’t gotten your first store, just take action, create something, put it up, see what happens. Let’s go from there. And if you’re looking for information about this TPT TEACHERpreneur journey, I have a free TPT business course. Check out S SEOTpreneur dot com slash hero and I’ll talk about the different stages of the TPT journey, as well as different stages of the TPT product lifecycle. Episode 23 is about free TPT products. We’ll talk about why free resources are great. We’ll talk about this case study of mine, 42,000 free downloads and how many sales that’s led to. And then we’ll talk about why free resources are bad and that need to set boundaries, personal boundaries

Free is good. It’s good because it gives people a taste of your products and it starts that relationship. And there’s this adage on the internet, it takes about seven touch points before someone turns into a customer. So when I say gives people a taste, I’m not talking about the free TPT product we all have to make when we create a seller account. Nah, that free product is crap, not your resource. Your resource might be fantastic, but when we start the journey, we don’t know anything about packaging and marketing our content on TPT. So that free resource is inevitably crap because we don’t know what we’re doing. But eventually we do know what we’re doing. And this is the idea about creating high quality free stuff because then it gives people an idea of what you are all about. So this is the resource I’m talking about.

It’s my New Year’s resolution. I update it every year. I actually update it based on different school seasons. It has 42,216 downloads with about a hundred ratings. And if I click on view six files here, I’ll just download it really quickly. So I really like this resource. It shows off a little bit of my personality and my target market is grades really grade eight. So I create resources for grade six to grade tens. And what I like about this New Year’s resolution is it has this anti motivational motivational letter where basically I tell students that they’re going to be average. And I think actually as TPT sellers, we should read this letter because this is the idea that just because you set goals that’s not going to make you great and in life we’re all going to be average because we do average things. By definition, average literally means in the middle of the road you are the average. So if you do what everyone else is doing, if all of your classmates, if everyone around you is watching Netflix and playing video games, yeah, you’re going to end up average. You’re going to want to have what these YouTuber influencers have or what these TPT top selling whales have. But if you do what everyone else is doing, you will be average.

So then this is talking about in the letter here, it goes through this thing about how to avoid shiny objects. But basically if you don’t want to be average, don’t do average things. And the average TPT seller goes in TPT forums and they hear a lot of noise and they get distracted by, TPT wants us to do what? TikTok, I’m on it. Nah, pick your strategy, focus on your strategy, put effort in your strategy Optimize and tweak it so that your strategy is more effective. And then every now and then Tinker with new things to maybe find a different strategy or find a way to make your strategy better. So this is a taste of my products, the kind of stuff I create. And it upsells to this growth mindset bundle, which is 67 bucks and it upsells to this everything bundle, which is 160 bucks.

So it upsells to some resources. I like it. Getting back to this, free is good. I like it because you get reviews on free resources and if you have high quality free resource stuff, then you get some great reviews. So I have some reviews here, 91 reviews and my store 460 reviews in general. That one free resource accounts for 20% of the reviews on my store. And generally speaking, it’s free. It’s nice, it’s high quality. People generally like to leave nice comments and messages, but not always. Sometimes people will leave a comment like this. Sometimes people leave comments with great five star language, like a great resource to use for the first week back. So many great conversations surrounding resources, but then they leave a four star rating, which is just good, and that’s just part of the game. But one strategy with free resources is it’s a way to build up your store’s social proof. How many stars do you have? If you go to that front page of your store, it shows the aggregate of how many reviews you have across all of your products. And so then people think, okay, this is a 4.7 star or five star store. I feel good about buying a new product, but can you make money from free resources? Can you upsell? Well, let’s look at this case study here.

Let’s look at the sales led from this product according to UTM links. And so what I’ve done in this particular product is I’ve had links back to my bundles and different resources here. And if I go to this UTM dashboard, I add the word resolution and then let’s just go for this month, this month, this week, this year, right? So I can see a dollar 45. And then if I go for all time, which I’ll just, I don’t know when I started, so I’ll just say 2000. So if I pull up the UTM data in TPT, now TPT uses Google Analytics, they use Google 360, but they are filtering their traffic data from Google Analytics, doing some magic to make it easier for TPT sellers like yourself and myself to be able to see the important stuff that they think we should be looking at. And then they present it in this format. So let’s just give it a second to load. Remember, this is not actual Google Analytics data from TPT. This is their pre-digested data. So I can see resolutions free resolutions resolutions, a dollar 45,

My resource that has been downloaded 42,000 times has to a total sale of a dollar 45 maybe, maybe not hard to say because I know that if TPT doesn’t accurately capture the information in their UTM, they just attribute it to teachers pay teachers, which of course may or may not be true. But yeah, if something seems too good to be true or if something seems too bad to be true, it might actually be too good or too bad and not actually true. So let’s think about this from a different perspective. What if we look at lead times? So looking at times that people engage with our website or our TPT stores to sort of see how accurate this UTM system is, okay, I don’t have information on when people click my PDFs and then purchase a TPT resource. I suppose we could capture that, but I’m not doing that right now.

What I have done, and I showed this in the past, is I have a spreadsheet where I capture people clicking on my website and then going to TPT. I know that sometimes it captures correctly. I did a little experiment on February 14th to test to make sure that the system was working because sometimes TPT captures information, but it doesn’t show up in the UTM. So for example, on January 24th, I had a link on my website. Someone clicked on my website to get the resource, and they clicked on, they were on this page X Body shop, and then they clicked on the get the resource button here, let’s just click on it for demonstrations purposes. So they clicked on this resource reading strategy is a hundred day challenge. And then on that day, January 24th, a few minutes later, they bought that TPT product code. They bought this product, which is ax Body Spray Stop School Bus.

But when I go into TPTs traffic data, so traffic data for custom range, January 24th, let’s just do that here. January 24th, boom, boom, apply, right? I can see the reading strategies here. Three click-throughs got registered that day, but there are no earnings. But if I go to the dashboard for that day for my entire store, I can see that, yeah, here’s that sale for that Axe body spray. In fact, I’ll just close everything. Hide that. Oops, here we go. Axe Body spray. I can see that there was a purchase around three o’clock, a dollar 85. So it’s odd to me in this example for reading strategies that someone clicked on my website, went to TPT, had the UTM code show up, but it didn’t register as a sale on TPT. I know that TPT doesn’t correct historical traffic data glitches. So they sent an email on September 20th.

This is in our Gmail, and if I scroll down here, we learned about delaying Google Analytics is sending data about views to TPT. This means that you may have seen views for a particular day look like they’ve fallen significantly. Please know that the glitch has been resolved, but your historical data may still be offered that particular day. So they’re not fixing historical data. If there’s a glitch in the way that TPT got data from Google Analytics, from their Google Analytics source, they’re not fixing it in their database. So when we go to the TPT dashboard database here, this information is all collected from Google Analytics. But if incorrectly, if the code isn’t set up correctly, if there’s a glitch in the way that TPT gets their information or presents their information to us as TPT sellers, they’re not going to go back in time and fix the data for historical data. So this information at best gives us a clue about where our stuff is coming from, but realistically, no it doesn’t. Maybe it gets better over time, but even if they fix problems, it’s not going to go back in time to fix things. Bottom line, I had that resource, 42,000 downloads and I made a dollar 85. What’s your luck like with free resources in upselling and how do you know that that’s working? Can you let me know in the comments? Is this typical? Is this not typical? I have no idea.

Let’s talk about why free is bad. So I do love free resources. I think it’s important to give away free resources. That’s good quality stuff. You can get some great reviews and boosts up your store, the store social proof. But free is also bad. And the biggest reason why free is bad is because not everyone who downloads your free resource will be your customer avatar. For example, and this is a classic example. Let’s say you’re doing a contest giveaway and you’re giving away a free iPad. The people who respond to that free giveaway are people who want a free iPad, not necessarily people who use your products. So the key here is to recognize that lots of people might use your free resource, but that doesn’t mean that they’re your customer avatar. So then who is your customer avatar? And that’s a marketing sales phrase to think about who is the ideal person that you are thinking about when you sell your product?

I create content on YouTube for TPT sellers, but I am not selling to all TPT sellers. Just like how you might create content for primary school teachers, but you are not selling to all grade one to three teachers because let’s be honest, no matter what grade you’re in, there’s always that colleague very nice, they’re great, and they share with you a handout that they use in their class, right? Hey, this is something I used, but it’s not your style of teaching. So you are not going to use that handout in your class even though it was free, and even though it was from another colleague who teaches your grade level. So you’re not selling to all grade level teachers that your are. You’re selling to a specific niche of teacher, and chances are you’re selling to teachers like yourself. Let’s talk about sharpening the acts.

We’re going to cut through this niche. This is this idea in sales and marketing. Sharpen the acts so that your product message is super sharp and super directed towards your customer avatar. And that way you can cut through the competition. There might be a million competitors, but your ax is so sharp, it’s able to cut through that and reach your target market. And on the way through, you might get some other people who are not your target market buying your product, but you are focusing and sharpening your acts to be able to hyperfocus your product marketing. So as we create TPT products, and this is why this message is for TPT, hamsters and whales or hamsters and hawks, because you know what your bestselling products are, learn who you’re selling to and pay attention. And so I’m going to give you some examples to figure out who you’re selling to.

I am directing my products to the true SEOT entrepreneurs. And by true SEOT entrepreneurs, I’m talking about me. I’m talking about people like me, people who get excited by this, people who love this kind of stuff. I love trying new things. I love experimenting in my classroom. I love the challenge of trying to make money online. So I’m selling to me. That’s what I’m thinking about as I make this. I’m also selling to the 10 to 20% of people who are still watching this video right now. And this data, we’ll never know from TPT because they don’t show us the customer journey through the TPT website, that data, they’re not providing us. They have it in Google Analytics, but they’re not providing that level of information for us. On the other hand, YouTube provides this information to YouTubers like myself. So we get very clear video analytics, and I’m going to show you in the last video I made about beating the TPT search algorithm.

I can see at the beginning I get a bunch of people watching my video, and this is up to the five minute mark. I dunno where five minutes are, right? So some people are like, I want to watch shorter videos. That’s great, but you’re not my target audience, my target audience, what I’m calling the true SEOT entrepreneurs, they’re the people who are three quarters of the way through. They’re still watching the video because there’s content in here that resonates with them, it speaks to them, it’s useful for them. So then your question is, how do I connect with the teachers who are using my products more than one product? They’re using lots of my products, and I’ll never know who these 12% are on the other side of this camera. You’ll know if you’re there, but I won’t know just from that. But I know that this is who I’m selling to when I’m creating these videos.

These are the people that I’m trying to help. Well, how do I find out who they are? Or how can you find out who your customer avatar chances are? They’re the people who are leaving comments on your TPT or on your TPT website, or they’re leaving comments in your Facebook groups. They’re the people who are first followers. They’re standing up, they’re being public because they like what you’re doing. So for example, on this channel, Jacqueline, this is great. Thank you so much for the free keyword tool. You give so much value, which I really appreciate. I love your energy and enthusiasm. You make me excited to work on my TPT store. So then I know there are teachers like me, teachers like Jacqueline, who are excited to work on their TPT store. So that helped me figure out, yeah, I’m looking for people who are excited about this journey and this game that we’re on.

That’s who my target audience is. So when you look at the comments from people who are leaving comments on your products and reviews in different places that you are on the internet, what’s that common theme that appeals to you? Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. That’s your customer avatar. This comment comes from Kristen, thank you for this. Creating my own website blog is the next step in my journey. I love that. That’s exactly who I’m trying to help out. Can I ask why you prefer WordPress over other options? So people, teachers who are engaging with your products, they’re leaving comments or they’re asking questions. Those questions lead to product ideas. They lead to changes in the way that you message things because you realize, oh yeah, that’s exactly who I’m trying to target. And then maybe this sneak snapshot that I’m getting into, Kristen’s comment leads me to other ideas to Tinker into.

So when you look at the comments on your TPT store, what are people asking in the ask a question section? Because chances are, there are clues in there about who your customer avatar is. For me personally, the truths at SEOT entrepreneurs are the people who are taking action. And this is what I think separates people who eventually succeed. And everyone else in this video about beating the TPT search algorithm with free keyword tools I was giving away, I still am giving away 500 free reports. Some people actually took me up on the offer, gave me some information, and then I gave them their entry information. So this person here as well as another person, entry number four, these are the people that I’m trying to connect with because they’re actually, Hey, this is free. Okay, I’m going to take advantage of this. Let’s do this.

It doesn’t mean that other people didn’t take action, but these are the people that I know about. So these are the people that I think are my customer avatar, and I’m refining my products for this. So I’m really trying to find, I’m discovering, I’m trying to find people who enjoy hard work and they’re enjoying this journey of doing inconvenient things. And inconvenient things means not only creating a TPT website for your business, but doing the inconvenient keyword research to figure out, oh, I should write about this topic that’s inconvenient. But if we do it, we get better. It’s like if I want to be fit, I have to do the inconvenient thing of exercising. If I want to be fit, I have to do the inconvenient thing of saying no to ice cream and saying yes to broccoli. This is not convenient. This is inconvenient.

And that’s why so many of us will end up being average because inconvenient things are hard. It’s staying up late or waking up early to be able to buy TPT ads at a specific time because that strategy works for you. For example, let’s talk about finding a sustainable business model. And this is really about having courageous conversations and figuring out where our personal boundaries are. So I’m going to give you an example of a courageous conversation that I need to have with true SEOT entrepreneurs. But you need to think about what kind of courageous conversations and boundaries do you need to set in your own life? When I say courageous conversations in the teaching world and any world, really, I’m talking about work-life balance. Do we need to set boundaries? Yeah, I’m not going to take work home. I’m not very good at this setting, this work-life balance, being a full-time TPT seller, there are no boundaries because I can work every day, and I do work every day, and that’s not healthy.

So being able to set those boundaries is important. Figuring out, because your chances are you’re still in the classroom teaching or maybe you’re not. Maybe you’re on leave or maybe you’re doing something else, but figuring out how do I make more time or less time for my TPT store? Because maybe you’re realizing, yeah, actually I spend too much time on my TPT store and not enough time with my family because I work. I do TPT and then my family. Whereas maybe you need to set that hard conversation with yourself. I need to carve out more time for my family. Maybe relationships with other TPT sellers in the forum on different channels and different places. Sometimes it’s tough, but having those courageous conversations to challenge something that came up in the forum or that came up in the TPT world, that’s hard. But it’s also the idea that, hey, we can be assertive and still not win.

And sometimes being assertive is knowing where your hard limits are. That’s a hard limit. And yeah, it’s time to walk away because I could spend energy trying to convince you of the way that I see things, but that’s not a good use of my energy. I don’t need to win this conversation. I need to focus on my TPT store. Or maybe as a TPT business, you’re thinking about what kind of conversations do I need to have with my partners? Maybe you’ve partnered up with another TPT seller. Maybe you have independent contractors and you’re hiring someone to do work, but it’s not great quality. Or maybe you have a VA that does things and things are fantastic, but so these are the courageous conversations that we get to try to have and experiment with S TPT sellers.

The big idea here is what do you need to say no to? So you can say yes to something else, and this becomes a matter of priorities. I’m very bad at this, very bad at this, setting out those boundaries so that I know now that I need more sleep. So I’m getting better at setting those priorities. Okay, I got to go to sleep, but I’m not very good at setting priorities here. So these are things, these are ongoing journeys. What I’m going to show you here are some slides for my six communication lesson package, and these are directed to Gord’s grade six to grade 10 students. And the reason why I’m putting it here is because I think it’ll be easier for us to talk about how to be assertive if we’re not talking about ourselves, because then it’s less personal. So rather than Mike saying, Hey, you got to be more assertive, which is ridiculous, I don’t know who you are.

Let’s view it from this framework of, okay, how would we teach the students that we work with how to be more assertive? So I’m going to talk to a grade six to 10 audience, but you think about this in terms of the grades that you work with best. So at this point in the lesson plan, we’ve already talked about communication styles. We look at different parts of the communication process. We’ve done a little handout survey. How would you respond to this situation? And we’ve talked about communication styles. You could be assertive, you could be aggressive, you could be passive aggressive, you could be passive. And so now we’re looking at some notes and we’re talking about being assertive, which is this idea that maybe students aren’t comfortable with, but their idea is that their needs come first, not the other person’s needs, but their needs come first in a respectful way.

What does that mean? It means standing up for your point of view and telling the other person explicitly. This is my point of view, setting out those boundaries and setting these personal boundaries and limits on what you are willing to do or accept, right? This is the hard line that I’m not willing to cross. I’m willing to compromise. I’m willing to negotiate, but I can’t cross this personal line, whatever those lines might be for you. So this is tough, especially as teachers, because we like to give, right? We want to help our students. We want to do as much as possible to help our students. I bend over backwards for my students and for other people. But this is the idea that your needs come first and being able to set those boundaries. Still consider the rights and beliefs of other people, but being brave to yourself and being brave with others to sort of hold the line. And that’s a tough thing to do. But basically the idea in being assertive is I win and you win. We both win. And through this being diplomatic, but saying like, yeah, I can’t do that for you. I have to say no, because then I’m saying yes to this, right? It’s not personal, but these are where the boundaries are.

So for me, as a TPT seller, entering the TPT seller guru space on YouTube, I want to help as many people as I can in the TPT seller community, specifically the true SEOT preneurs. Those are the people I want to help specifically because there are lots of people who want free help, but maybe they’re not willing to do the work. And I want to help people who are willing to do the work, they’re willing to listen to feedback, they’re willing to try new ideas. They’re willing to stand up and say, I don’t think that’s going to work for me, Mike, and here’s why I want to get this fresh perspective on people’s TPT business, but I need to set some ground rules for myself. So this is what I’m coming up with. If you have any general questions about your TPT business, I love chatting about small business.

Ask away in the YouTube comments. This is free. This is public. Lots of people can join in the conversation. Some of you have been reaching out to me in different channels and email and different ways with questions, with links to your TPT stores. And at this point, now, I have to say respectfully, I’m not able to look at those links in a free medium or via email. I’m not able to look at those links the way that I can help you with those links, whether it’s about your TPT product or your website or look talking about Emre data, and I love talking about data. The way for me to do that to help you would be in this SEOT Pro community. And so I have discussion forums and I have Zoom meetings, and this is a semi-private community because there’s a paywall you have to pay to become a member.

But then once you become a member, anyone can see this stuff, but also anyone can learn from each other. So I have an SEOT Preneur Pro discussion group. Super easy. Just click on new discussion. You ask your question here, I’ll give you an example of one that I did here. So hey, at SEOT preneur and the social network system in here let’s you at message people. So that sends a notification to me, can you have a peek at my store? So then I would look at this link, which is an example link. It goes to my store here, and then I would come up with a sandwich. So something nice, something constructive, and then end with something nice. So for example, Hey, I love your use of social proof up here at the top. Have you considered updating your categories? There’s ways that you can do it with emojis.

You can organize it. You can even put a dash line in between things to separate things out visually, because I think that’ll help people who are on your store find the content on your site. And then something else. That’s nice. I like the use of this animated GIF to attract the eye to that bud. So I’m happy to provide that kind of feedback looking at those links within this SEOT preneur community. And then that way other people might have similar questions and they’ll be like, oh, yeah, I like that too. And they can jump in the conversation with their 2 cents. Fantastic.

I also love looking at content in these Zoom meetings that I’m hosting. So if I click on this Zoom meeting button, here’s the example. The next one on March 18th, I’m trying something new. It’ll be at 8:30 AM in Eastern Time. We have people around the world, and if I scroll down here, there’s a link, and this will be a private link. And this link has a link to the Zoom meeting up here, but it also has links to where the video would be posted. So this is a place where the Zoom meeting is recorded. I can watch the record, and then I write down what my homework’s going to be. And then I write about different things that I’m trying on my homework. I’m trying to rank my website reading comprehension, and I’m trying to rank it on Google, and I’m trying to get my own sales leads, so that leads to more sales on TPT, which is a boost in the TPT SEO ranking signal.

So I rank higher on TPT. It’s a snowball kind of thing. So yeah, that’s where I talk about things. So that’s a great way to get feedback from me. But some of you will be looking at this and you’re like, you want to talk about your stuff? You’d love to get a second opinion from me, but you don’t want to do it in a forum setting. And so in that case, the way to do it would be via email or Google Meet, and that would be private one-on-one coaching. And some of you’re asking about keyword position tracking, and those are things that are possible with somer, but those are paid features. And so then the price point has to go a little higher. And if I’m interested in one-on-one coaching, all I do is I just go to the SEOT preneur website, TPT Seller Tools, and there’s a section here called Coaching.

And I can read this page about how to get coaching from me, right? If I want one-on-one feedback that I don’t want other people to see. So if I’m worried, I’m in the reading English Language, Arts space for grade eight students. And if I’m worried about other people seeing what I’m keyword researching because I know that they’re also in the SEOT Pro premier community, well then the way to get feedback from me would be via email. And then you would have to get private coaching for that. So if you have general questions, I love chatting about that stuff. YouTube is the place for that. But the moment you want me to look at a specific page or your specific store or a specific website, I love doing that stuff. But I have to limit myself and set boundaries because by saying no to doing that for free, I can say yes to people who are willing to pay for that, and the people who are willing to pay for that.

That’s my customer avatar. I want to create products for you and learn more about what we need, because I’m taking stuff that I already do and I’m trying to figure out what stuff other people are willing to do because they’re willing to pay for that. And then the snowball grows in terms of what I can offer the TPT seller community, that’s my thinking. But if you have questions about SEOT Preneur Pro, yeah, ask in the YouTube comments or ask in the emails, and then if you ask a question that’s a little bit too far for what I can do for free, I’ll just gently respectfully point you back to here. Yes, thanks buddy. I want to tell you about SEOT hosting. I just published the first page. It’s not perfect. It’s not completely ready yet, but it’s out there because yeah, we build in public. So as SEOT hosting, I love, love, love, love, love this.

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