Free TPT Coaching Winner (Feb / Mar 2024) 🎉 SEOTpreneur News 19

🎉The winner of the Feb/Mar FREE TPT Coaching random draw is…

Congratulations, they just got 30 Mike Minutes.

I’m excited to hear how their TPT store is doing since our last free coaching session.

We bounced around some ideas, so if they saved their Product Stats CSV data, we can use the ABCD tool to see if the changes actually improved their store.

Do you want to have a free one-on-one zoom chat about your TPT business?

​Watch this video to find out how to enter the next monthly random draw for FREE TPT Seller Coaching.

​Here are some of the things you can do with Mike Minutes when you win.

or we can discuss a strategy for teachers pay teachers how much can you make

The next random draw will probably happen in a month or two.

This time, only four people entered, so your chances seem pretty good.

Mike Fuchigami
​Host of the SEOTpreneur email community​

​PS: Reply to this email and let me know how your TPT journey is going this year. Especially if you don’t know any TPT sellers personally. Selling on TPT can be an odd and isolated adventure… I am around $3K down in sales compared to last year. Some TPT sellers are up; others are down. It doesn’t matter how I’m doing or how other people are doing. You’re in a race against yourself. How are you doing?

PPS: If you’re part of the PRO forum, DOWNLOAD the sneak peek version of the NEW TPT Keyword Tool​

PPPS: If you’re not part of the PRO forum, it only costs $10 per month. How much do you spend on Starbucks or Netflix? People who sign up now get 30 Mike Minutes as a welcome bonus! Plus, here’s a 20% off coupon that can only be used once (PROMO CODE: 2024-04-03). Who will be the first person to jump in the pool!

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