Are AI tools going to destroy TPT? 🤖 SEOTpreneur News 18

Hey TPT Sellers,

Are AI tools (that can create worksheets) the end of TPT?


The real question is what can we do to pivot to take advantage of opportunities and to overcome obstacles.

Worried yet about how this will impact your TPT business?

Now check out the AI generated worksheets by Diffit.

(Thanks to @Chris… for asking a great question in the YouTube community and putting this AI tool on my radar.)

Oh by the way if you want to know how to make money on TPT, check out my YouTube channel for more info.

On Fri Apr 12 at 8 PM (EST), I’m going to do a free livestream looking at the pros and cons of AI tools like Diffit, and what we can do as TPT sellers.

  • The livestream is free.
  • You don’t have to attend in person (like TPT Forward.)
  • You don’t have to pay for access (like other TPT online conferences.)
  • And, if you can’t attend, you’ll be able to watch the recording.

Click the notification bell so you don’t miss out: YouTube LIVE


Mike Fuchigami

PS: if you have any specific questions or ideas about AI and how it’s impacting TPT, just reply to this email!

PPS: Diffit Terms of Service specifically state you cannot use their generated content for any commercial purpose.

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