
This is a machine transcription of the Zoom chat. It will only be 80% accurate so there will be transcription errors. (But 80% is good enough for right now. Human transcription would cost too much: $1.50 x 60 min = $90, so it’s out of my price range right now.)

But the transcript allows you to skim and scan the meeting. It also allows text to show up in the website search feature.

Zoom Homework Club #18

Michael F (00:00:06):
Oh, that’s me. Oh, that’s so close. That’s scary. All right, let’s test some things out. Oh, is this working? Yes, it is. And test. All right, let’s close that. Let’s close that. Let’s close that. Let’s close that. Let’s close that. All right, let’s make that bigger. All right. Oh, oops. All right. That there, I don’t blur things so messy. Let’s see. Logic. Blur my background. There you go. How do I flip this? It’s backwards. Anyways, video settings, right? Adjust for low light, original ratio, but it’s backwards. I already said this. Advanced. Is there a flip? No. Nope. Nope. No flippy. No flippy. Yeah. Okay. I really don’t like that cover, but good enough. It’s good enough. All right. Chat share screen. I’m going to share my screen. I’m going to share that screen. I’m going to share it like that. I’m going to share it like that. I’m going to share, I dunno. I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on here. All right. You were now screen sharing. So tired. Hey, you know what happened? Last time people were emailing me, or not emailing me, but messaging me in the network, SEO Let’s see if I can find them. Gopro.

Michael F (00:02:23):
Okay, so there’s the read AI meeting. Now, Andrea started fixing, oh, hey, you’ve got some stuff in here. Andrea has the same green plan as me. So basically what I do is on Zoom homework club day, I wake up, the meeting starts at eight, I wake up at six 30. I have my first, maybe second, maybe third cup of coffee. And then I, what do I do? I do my homework, not my homework, but things that I said I would do for people in the S printer, that’s where I catch up on things. So I did something for Andrea, I did something for Thad, and then I’m like, oh, shoot. I’m out of time and I got to set up this thing. So I need to figure out my workflow. I’ve got to automate stuff. The more I think about it, the more I’ve got to outsource and develop systems.

Michael F (00:03:21):
How am I doing in my store? Anyone looked forever? I don’t think I’m doing that great, to be honest. Right? Let’s just have a peek here. So if I check at my dashboard, right? Oh, that’s about the same as last year. Less. Oh, it’s about the same. Okay. So I’m not June 24th. Okay. So it’s not horrible. But yeah, I just, okay, Mike, you’ve got to figure this out. And I think what I need to do is work backwards, right? I thought this was interesting. Where did you s Andrea posted something. Hey, Andrea, you’re here. I’ll just give you a second to connect the audio. Where was it? I was looking at your post here. You had something interesting about working backwards, thinking about your bundles and planning them backwards. I have to find that comment now. I’m going to monologue. I’m going to talk to myself. That’s what I do.

Michael F (00:04:23):
Yeah, because I remember. I like that. I think what I do I need to do is look at my calendar and work backwards and figure out, okay, well, if I’m going to TPT forward and I’m doing this, and I’ve got to get that up, if I want to have my a reading thing, I’ve got to have that up too. Hi, Kim. Whoa. That’s exciting. The link worked. Yeah, it’s the little things that make me happy. Okay, so Mike, when you watch this later, remember that you are going to use a calendar. I’m going to even write this down, A calendar to work backwards. That’s what I need to do to figure out where, when I’m going to publish my next reading lesson and my next visualization thing for chat sheet speaking. Okay, so calendar. I’m going to write that down. Hey, Kim.

Kimberly T (00:05:21):

Michael F (00:05:23):
Oh, hey, can you hear me?

Kimberly T (00:05:24):

Michael F (00:05:25):
Nice. How are you doing?

Kimberly T (00:05:27):
I’m ok. How are you?

Michael F (00:05:29):
I’m pretty good. I’m excited because last week I had a fun monologue and then I realized, oh, the link is broken. So Andrea let me know that the link wasn’t working, so I fixed the link. So I’m happy to see that you and Andrea were able to get into the crowd. How are you doing? I’m

Kimberly T (00:05:44):
Okay. How are you doing? Oh, dejavu. Yeah,

Michael F (00:05:48):
Life. Life has been good.

Kimberly T (00:05:50):
Busy. Yeah,

Michael F (00:05:51):
But good. I haven’t worked on my TPT store as much as I want to, and I feel like that’s always the case. Don’t, so I’ve made my teepee t store my side hustle again instead of my main hustle, and I can’t

Kimberly T (00:06:11):

Michael F (00:06:12):
Out how to carve time consistently for that side hustle.

Kimberly T (00:06:16):
Yeah. Cause I

Michael F (00:06:17):
Know if I did it first thing in the morning, then I would definitely have time to do it. But then it means that my main hustle, I wouldn’t do as much

Kimberly T (00:06:26):
My main. Yeah.

Michael F (00:06:28):
How do you manage that? How do you manage? I didn’t manage very well the last week. So Wait, did you do more on your TPT or more on your main gig? Yeah, I did more on my main gig. Right? Yeah. And it’s just what it is. But I know from, I do martial arts, and I know that if you want to get better, then it’s just the daily grind, right? Yeah. So I don’t know. And then I got all excited because I was listening to this audiobook, this Dan Meredith guy, and he said like, oh yeah, what he does in his community. So he does copy with Dan, and basically he gets a bunch of like-minded people, and he calls it kind of like a co-working space, working at a coffee place. And basically what he does is every day, I don’t know if he actually does this, but he says, at 9:00 AM and at 3:00 PM I post what I’m going to do for the next two hours. And then afterwards for accountability, he writes what he actually got done. Okay. Yeah. And I thought, oh, that’s brilliant. So I’ll try it. But I don’t have two hours to commit or four hours to commit every day on my side hustle.

Michael F (00:07:42):
And I could post about other things I’m doing, but I really want to focus on the TPT stuff in here.

Michael F (00:07:49):
I think I’m just thinking out loud as I’m prone to do. I think what I’m going to do is if I just do 30 minutes and I say, here’s what I’m going to do for 30 minutes, and I know I’d be more productive if I batch it, but I just got to build a habit, so I’m just going to sign in here for 30 minutes. Here’s what I’m going to do. Here’s what I actually got done. And just do it. And I think if I do at the same time every day, that’ll work. I just dunno how to find the same time every day. And

Kimberly T (00:08:21):

Michael F (00:08:25):
Do you have habits? Do you have any daily habits that you always do that? I dunno, do you have any daily habits?

Kimberly T (00:08:34):
I, I guess this would be considered one, but Yeah. Yeah, A weekly habit.

Michael F (00:08:39):

Kimberly T (00:08:39):
Work maybe two or three hours before I go to my main job and then

Michael F (00:08:45):

Kimberly T (00:08:45):
Home and then work and then tutor. So yeah,

Michael F (00:08:50):
Every time. Do you always work a couple hours on your TPT store before going to your main job?

Kimberly T (00:08:55):

Michael F (00:08:56):
Oh, That’s brilliant.

Kimberly T (00:08:57):

Michael F (00:08:59):

Kimberly T (00:08:59):
That’s what I’m most more productive in the morning times than I’m in the afternoons. Afternoons are, it doesn’t work.

Michael F (00:09:07):
So I love that your main job is the, it’s the afternoon stuff. I’m sure that’s timing as well. You can’t change that, but yeah, that’s kind of funny. Yeah, I think, okay, but okay, here’s where I’m stuck. Cause

Michael F (00:09:26):
I know one of the things that’s actually been really working for me at least moving the needle and getting new sales is at the beginning of the day, I spend 30 minutes and it actually creeps out to be an hour. And I spend that on trying to generate new sales leads. So if my main hustle is client work and building my web hosting company, then what I do is, okay, here’s someone I’ve been chatting, or here’s a referral and I know that they want this. So if I create this site for them and then show it what it’s like showing ’em a picture of what it could be, then I know that they’ll say, oh yeah, actually that’s pretty good. What do I need to do to get that? And then, oh, it’s 200 this or 400 that, and I find that’s led to a sale per week, or I have to chase after someone for a payment or whatever. So that’s been bringing money in the door.

Kimberly T (00:10:26):

Michael F (00:10:27):
This is where I’m afraid that if I spend 30 minutes doing TPT in that prime slot time, then I won’t be bringing the money in the door and moving the needle, if that makes sense. But I know that I’m not working on my side hustle. What I love about this format is I know every week Kim’s going to be there, so I’ve got to show up. And not that that’s a bad thing, but do you know what I mean? Yeah. And what I did was I realized, okay, I’m going to start writing down on my whiteboard beside me. Cause I have a question that I’m going to ask you about what you said you were going to do last time

Michael F (00:11:05):
Just to see if you did it. Not that it’s hor, but you know what I mean, that I, No, but yeah, that’s helpful. Yeah. So I can’t figure out, and Andrea, if you’re in the crowd, and Sadie, if you’re in the crowd, here’s the question that I’m working on and feel free to write it in the chat. So my question is, so for me personally, I know the first hour before I walk the dog, before I have breakfast, not before I have coffee, I have coffee first, but my first hour is, and right now I’m focusing on getting new sales on my main hustle, which is my web hosting stuff. Or I realize, okay, if I had this webpage, I would be able to explain to this person so much better what the product offer is. And so then I know working on that will do it. So the problem I’m having Kim and Sadia is if I put my TPT stuff and do it right in the beginning, before I do my main hustle, I’m not going to work on my main hustle as much. And the main hustle part, that first hour has actually brought in four 50 a week. So how do I build in as a habit? Because if I do it at the end of the day, it just doesn’t get done. I’m just too tired. And so that’s where I’m stuck. I don’t know how to build in my cycle.

Kimberly T (00:12:26):
Could you do every other day work on TPT one day and then work on your main stuff the next?

Michael F (00:12:35):
Yeah. See, okay, so What is that too much switching for you? I know for me personally, I’ve learned just where my mental health is at. If every day was exactly the same, I would be okay with that because it’s like, it’s so consistent.

Kimberly T (00:12:53):

Michael F (00:12:53):
Problem is I know that the stuff for my main hustle is starting to bring in four 50 a week, whereas when I work on my TPT store, it’s all that still, it’s such a big, if this product might work and I know that it

Michael F (00:13:14):
Has a good chance of working, but this is where I get stuck. But likewise, I know that if I prove that I do this and I chat about in this community, I think that’ll help other people as well because then they’ll see like, oh yeah, it’s such a grind. So I should manage expectations. I shouldn’t feel disappointed that I just launched this product and no one’s buying it. Because that’s the reality until you become a big whale. So I dunno. So anyway, and Andrea, you’re welcome to jump in the chat, but okay, so I’m going to jump to this screen. I hate the screen color, but I didn’t have a chance to fix it and I just went with, it’s good enough. So just a reminder that this was going to be on Zoom and I actually started to post it as a Zoom link.

Michael F (00:14:16):
And I think because what makes me happy is just randomly people will say, oh yeah, I’ve been watching it in the Zoom meeting, which then makes me think, okay, since people are actually watching this and I’ll like people in the SEOT Pro community, then I’ll have to make sure that it’s done. But what I’ve started to do is in this recording place, this is where I’m trying to figure out how to post them. And I’ve started to post this most recent one I posted as a Zoom meeting sharing what Zoom gives me. So I guess my question, because Andrea, I think you said that you watched the last one, or I think Sadia, you’ve said that you watched some as well. I guess the question is, is it easier for me to do it as chapters or is it easier for me to do it as the Zoom meeting? And I wasn’t sure whether there was one option or the other. Hi Sadia, I hear your family. How are you doing?

Sadia M (00:15:11):
Yeah, I’m feeling I’m good actually. It’s always noisy at my, that’s why I see my lights off.

Michael F (00:15:18):
Yeah, no worries. I do. So my kids are older. My kid is older, so don’t easier for me to sneak away and she can just do her own thing. Sadia,

Sadia M (00:15:29):
Do you prefer

Michael F (00:15:31):
The Zoom meetings posted like this where you can watch it directly from Zoom and see the transcript? Or do you prefer the meeting where I manually make the chapters like this? Do you have a preference?

Sadia M (00:15:47):
No. For me, I think both are good. But the last time I rewatched that meeting, I feel it was on this page that you’re showing me right now.

Michael F (00:15:59):
Yeah. Which meeting was it? Was it the one, the meeting number 17, or was it one of the ones with the videos here?

Sadia M (00:16:09):
The one with the videos here? Yeah, this one.

Michael F (00:16:14):
So this Is where I get stuck because making the videos here takes me maybe an hour, whereas doing it as the side thing here takes me five minutes, I think. So that’s where I think as I do it and I just figure out, oh, this is good enough or yeah. The other person I wanted to check in with was Angelique. Cause I know that she watches the videos, but, but Sadia, you don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other yet?

Sadia M (00:16:47):
No, not yet.

Michael F (00:16:49):
Okay. Okay, cool. Good to know. Okay, so this is exciting because there’s four of us

Sadia M (00:16:58):
Actually, whenever I am listening to any video, I’m doing something else. And then

Michael F (00:17:06):
Just at the background.

Sadia M (00:17:08):
Yeah, Me too. Maybe that’s why I don’t have any strong opinion towards one or the other.

Michael F (00:17:14):
Okay, that’s perfect to know. Thanks a lot, Sadia. So my question for everyone is this past week or since we last chatted, how has your TPT business gone? So share something that you’ve worked on, share a success story and then share an obstacle that you’re stuck on. And then the new question, which eventually I’m going to constantly ask Kim until one day she’ll just have something to say. But the question is, what did you notice or wonder about in the past week? Just something like, huh, that’s kind of weird. So I’ll go first and then afterwards, anyone who wants to jump in, you can. And this’ll give Andrea and Sadia a chance if you want to type it out or if you want to say it afterwards, you can. So something I’m working on in my TPT business, I said I was going to go on, one of the things I did was I went on Fiverr because I was looking for something for someone on Fiverr to go into Facebook feature groups.

Michael F (00:18:21):
And basically because I don’t like Facebook generally, I find it just personally stressful. I wanted to see if I could outsource it to someone and just say, and have them talk in a teacher group, not a TPT group, but a teacher group. And then if that group allowed it share like, oh, hey, here’s something on chat G P T, or are you guys using, what are teachers saying about ChatGPT at your school? Just to do research and then have them casually mention, oh, here’s a video that, a ChatGPT debate kind of thing. And then it’s not even a freebie, it’s just a free YouTube video. So the goal was that the YouTube video would, they would like the video, and then in the video there’d be a link to eventually the product. So that was my homework as well as transcribing my chat G P T stuff.

Michael F (00:19:16):
I got through half of the chat G P T stuff. I could pay $300 to have someone do it. I think it’s going to take me two hours. So it would cost more than just for me to do it myself because I wanted to have perfect glamor. So that was a success story in the sense that I posted on Fiber and I started to transcribe. The obstacle I’m facing is the person on Fiverr, the seller that I use normally for this kind of stuff, for the writing stuff, they’re not available, which sort of how Fiverr works, people come and go. And the other obstacle is because I haven’t chunked away 30 minutes or an hour every day on my T B T store, I haven’t had a chance, if I had done it, I would’ve finished transcribing my TPT video or my ChatGPT p t video.

Michael F (00:20:04):
But because I haven’t set aside 30 minutes every day, I’m not moving the needle on that. So yeah, that’s where I’m at. And something I wonder, something I noticed something I noticed something I noticed, oh yeah, I noticed something here. Here’s something I wondered about. So on teachers, paid teachers, and I know Andrew, you had asked me about why did I go after chat G B T? And it’s just because I think personally, I think ChatGPT and machine intelligence are here to stay. So it’s funny, when I create products, I just create products that I would use as opposed to products that being strategic, figuring out here’s the bundle and then working backwards. Or another seller I chatted with, they were like, yeah, I figure out something in my niche, figure out a product that isn’t there on the market and then figure out how I, and then I make that product so that I get first mover and it gets to the top. But the something that I noticed was there was this chat, G P T, oh, it’s gone.

Michael F (00:21:14):
Okay, that’s okay. Oh, that’s okay. So that’s really, sorry, I get all excited about this. So I save these things in my downloads. I think I save in my downloads. Yeah, here, I’ll show it to you earlier this week. Too many files. So ChatGPT with two keywords. So yeah, this is two days ago. And this ChatGPT G P T report card prompt was right at the top. And I wondered is it at the top because it made more money or it’s making a ridiculous amount of money. And I don’t think so in terms of total sales, my growth mindset resource I think has like $5,000. So I think what’s happened, because this T report card prompt is just, it’s so new. It’s within the last year because it’s in that 9 million. I think it got to the first position because there was just a flood of page views because everyone was looking up chat, G P T report card comments, and then they found it on Google and they landed here. So that’s why I think page view, even if it’s not leading to sales page view alone, I think can just boost you to the top.

Michael F (00:22:35):
Yeah. So that’s something I wonder. That’s where I’m at right now. That’s me and Kim, whenever you chat, my question for you is going to be, cause you talked about getting your back to school product up, and we had chatted earlier about, Hey, is there a review that you can put for social proof from a related product or something else in that? So that’s what I’m going to ask you about whenever you do your check-in. But I don’t know, Kim, do you want to go next? Because I think, yeah, yeah. Okay. So how did your week, or how are things going in your TPT business?

Kimberly T (00:23:10):
Not well this week,

Michael F (00:23:13):
But it’s June.

Kimberly T (00:23:14):
Yeah, it’s June, but June is normally my highest month. So it’s kind of weird that it did actually did not, I did not actually sell that much.

Michael F (00:23:23):

Kimberly T (00:23:24):
So I guess one thing I think is an obstacle is one of the whales posted a resource that is kind of similar to mine.

Michael F (00:23:35):
So I think that’s where I went wrong with

Kimberly T (00:23:39):
As soon as as they posted, I was like, oh, well that’s a wrap.

Michael F (00:23:44):
Wait, where did you go wrong with that? It’s not like you could have known that the will was going to post that.

Kimberly T (00:23:48):
Yeah, I mean, that’s true.

Michael F (00:23:51):
Yeah. Yeah.

Kimberly T (00:23:55):
So it’s just kind of rethinking stuff, I guess, for next year with those different resources. But I guess a success would be that one of my resources did sell really well.

Michael F (00:24:08):

Kimberly T (00:24:08):
Ones. Yeah. What

Michael F (00:24:11):
Was the theme topic of the resource?

Kimberly T (00:24:15):
It’s the summer circle time props.

Michael F (00:24:18):
Oh yeah, we were talking about that Summer circle time props. Okay. Did you notice or do you have a wonder about anything?

Kimberly T (00:24:27):
Yes, I do actually. With the thing with the whale. So yeah, I’m wondering, because you were saying about the page views.

Michael F (00:24:35):

Kimberly T (00:24:36):
I’m wondering if they basically a little bit more bumped up because of that.

Michael F (00:24:42):
Yeah, I, has there

Kimberly T (00:24:43):
Been an older product, even though it’s probably sold more, but they have a bigger, maybe following

Michael F (00:24:52):
Now. Now that sort of pig back what I just looked at right now with that report card thing. And piggyback on what you’re saying, I wonder if that’s the way it is because whales,

Kimberly T (00:25:02):

Michael F (00:25:03):
Would’ve sent out a message on their channels. They have a large enough audience themselves that they would’ve all looked

Kimberly T (00:25:10):

Michael F (00:25:10):
That would help boost up their thing. So I guess maybe the moral of the story for us little people is that cultivate that email list. Yeah,

Michael F (00:25:21):
That network. And I know later on someone’s going to watch this and say like, oh, could it be a Facebook group or could it be Instagram? And the answer is always yes, but you don’t own the email addresses on Facebook. And if Facebook shuts you down, you won’t have access to those people. Whereas if you have an email list and you decide you want to leave MailChimp and go to something else, you have the list of emails. So you could just move them to a different platform. So yeah, maybe that is Sadia or Andrea, did you want to jump in here before I add a comment?

Sadia M (00:26:02):
Yeah. Recently what I noticed in my own stories, I have gained two followers.

Michael F (00:26:13):
You’ve been, sorry, say that again.

Sadia M (00:26:16):
And that happened of followers, and I don’t know who they are. I mean, basically the increase in followers was after I have joined this community, before that I had no followers

Michael F (00:26:34):
On your TPT store or your TPT on an email list.

Sadia M (00:26:40):
Three, you can,

Michael F (00:26:44):
Okay. But one

Sadia M (00:26:49):
Thing that I did in the last few resource, I keep it to $1 and then put a date on it that this will be changed to Its original prior,

Michael F (00:27:03):
Your audio is cutting out just a little bit, but you set it for $1. And then did you do the strategy of saying, Hey, it’s $1 now and change it. Sir, what was your approach? Sadia? I don’t understand how people can teach long distance. As a side note, I, I love that Zoom lets us connect with people around the world, but I find technical difficulties, it’s such a barrier to communication. Oh, I think we lost Sadia signal. Oh yeah.

Kimberly T (00:27:43):

Michael F (00:27:47):
Well that’s exciting. Sadia, I’m excited that you got some followers. I don’t think it has anything to do with being in the community per se, unless we’re following, but I think it’s more just time in your store and just you constantly chipping away at your store. But I’m excited. I, I’m So something that I’m going to add here. I don’t know if Andrea, your mic is on or if you’re Yeah,

Andrea S (00:28:13):
I’m happy to.

Michael F (00:28:14):
Oh, hey,

Andrea S (00:28:16):

Michael F (00:28:16):
You want to chat about your week? Hey. And also, hey, it’s nice to hear you again. I hope things are okay.

Andrea S (00:28:21):
Yeah, I’m filing in over about of pneumonia. So I’ve been able to work on my store a bit this week and add two products.

Michael F (00:28:31):

Andrea S (00:28:32):
Three products, sorry. And I’ve also learned how to use the word search creator application that I bought. So that’s been useful. Obstacle would be just the amount of time product creation takes is getting me down a bit. Especially when you see other people who have more than a hundred things in their store. I’m like, well, that’s probably a year ahead of me. It just seems to take a long time. And as to what I’ve been wondering about is if you are searching various key terms on TPT, right? If you are going to make some kind of metric to figure out if an area is unsaturated, what would it be? So yeah, that’s been on my mind lately. Can

Michael F (00:29:30):
We, so many exciting things I want to ask you about, but let’s, okay, so let’s actually think about that. I’ve, I’ve never actually thought about this, so I’m going to just sort of think aloud and then Kim or Andrea, if you want to sort of chime in with your thoughts. So I never actually do keyword research, but if I were, so when I look up ChatGPT P t, I can see that there’s 350 results. The problem is you can’t tell from here how much search traffic a keyword gets unless as you start to type, classroom decor has way more search traffic than chat G P T because it pops up right away. Even if I type ChatGPT chat chit ChatGPT. Oh, so ChatGPT p t has more than chitchat, but we don’t have a sense of scale.

Michael F (00:30:29):
And actually, I don’t know if they’re showing me ChatGPT p t more than character traits right now because I’m logged in. So, oh, okay. Curious Minds, let’s just check this out. I do have a place I’m going with this, so bear with me. So let’s go to teachers pay, and if I search up ChatGPT when I’m not logged, if I search up chat when I’m not logged in, so ChatGPT PT still shows up higher. So I know relatively ChatGPT is better than character traits. So in theory, if I looked up character traits, I could see that there are 335,000 results. So that’s competitive. Obviously if I narrow it down to my grade level, there’s not going to be that many. I’ve never actually done this, so I’m just walking through this. So 6,900 in grade eight. And then if I said, Hey, actually I’m an English Language Arts teacher, so let’s just see what you have for English, Language, Arts.

Michael F (00:31:29):
And I filter that down. So now I can see that actually my competition is 5,900 and okay, let’s say I’m going to make an English Language Arts character trait thing on, I don’t know what this is. Oh, I think maybe this is curriculum. I don’t think that’s going to help me. So instead of all English, Language, Arts, I’m going to say reading strategies because that’s my thing. Okay, so English, Language, Arts reading strategies. Oops, because that’s my narrow thing. I want to do character trace with reading strategies. What is that? Oh, that’s my sponsored ad. Oh, hands down. The best way to get page views. I think, especially now that I’m thinking that page views are a way to bump up is once you have that resource that sells well, don’t try this with as an experiment to try to get traffic. But hands down, putting it, getting in the ads is the best way to get page views, I think.

Michael F (00:32:30):
And then that’ll probably, so I don’t know actually if people buy from my ad or whether I just get a boost in the signal because of that. But anyway, so grade eight strategies and I now have 730 competitors. So even though it was intimidating at the beginning because there was so many thousands of people to compete with, if I was to make a character trait resource based on reading strategies, could I beat 750? Maybe? I think I could jump to at least a halfway by just keyword stuffing character traits. Not in a spammy way, but in a long product description. I don’t know if someone, Andrea, did you want jump in here before I go onto the next step of this question or

Andrea S (00:33:17):
Yeah, my kind of random thoughts were like when you search and it says how many competitors do you have, that’s one part of the metric. And I thought you could use the number of reviews in the first, say eight products

Michael F (00:33:39):

Andrea S (00:33:39):
A proxy for how much is being bought in that topic. And the difference between those two numbers gives you some sort of idea as to unmet demand.

Michael F (00:33:53):
Okay. I love that idea because I have never thought about it. And I’m going to add another piece of information to that. So out of curiosity, Kim and Andrea, I could easily sell a hundred resources and maybe get one review. Is that your experience as well, or how?

Kimberly T (00:34:18):
That’s definitely my experience. Like a one

Andrea S (00:34:20):

Kimberly T (00:34:22):

Andrea S (00:34:23):
I got a lot of reviews when I first started, but that’s kind of tapered off. I think I was lucky with just randomness. But yeah. Sorry, I forget the question.

Michael F (00:34:40):
Well, no. So actually, did you get reviews on products? Was that from asking friends to leave reviews or being in one of those review circles, or was it just randomly use your resources and lab reviews?

Andrea S (00:34:56):
A bit of both.

Michael F (00:34:57):

Andrea S (00:34:57):
Some friends I asked, can you have a look at this and

Michael F (00:35:03):
Leave an honest review.

Andrea S (00:35:04):
Review? And then I’ve also had random people at one stage about a one in five things were getting reviewed, but now it’s not at all. So

Michael F (00:35:20):
Yeah, if you were to average it out, what would you say? I would even say I am, I’m at 1% or 0.11 in a hundred or one in a thousand will lead to a review.

Andrea S (00:35:37):
I lightly it feels like one in 20, but that must

Michael F (00:35:40):
One in 20. Yeah,

Andrea S (00:35:42):

Michael F (00:35:42):

Andrea S (00:35:42):
A rough god. Yeah.

Michael F (00:35:44):
Okay. So side note, when I look at some of the whales and I see that they have thousands of reviews, and I know that for me personally, let’s say it’s one in a hundred, I’m like, holy smokes, you’ve made so much money off of that because you have so many reviews and that people buy, even though they don’t leave reviews. But to answer, to add, to add the conversation, Andrea, so for context, I’m going to share something with you, and I’m just going to use my ChatGPT as an example.

Michael F (00:36:19):
So this resource, this growth mega bundle, I only, you might say like, oh, there’s 17 people times whatever, as a metric, as a proxy. But no one has searched up ChatGPT for this resource. The reason why I’m ranking for ChatGPT is because this resource sold really well. I put my chat G P T in this bundle, and then I basically just repurpose or rebranded this bundle to address the ChatGPT PT thing. Chatgpt PTs here, people are going to cheat. Oh, here are some learning skills to help people not cheat and be better people. So, so I think as an outsider, you might look at this and say, holy smokes, this person’s making $71 per bundle about chache pt. But I think now I might be making a little bit of money because of ChatGPT pt, but my sales is this ChatGPT, these resources here I make maybe it, well, it’s June too, right? But I’m not making a lot of sales even though I’m on the first page. So I don’t know whether how accurately the products that are at the top of a search term reflect that search term because we can game it like a whale could game it and they could just put ChatGPT p t and they would instantly beat us all because they would have so many more sales and past few syn ups. I don’t know if that makes sense. Does that sort of add to the puzzle, Andrea? Yeah,

Andrea S (00:38:03):
Sometimes you notice there are not relevant things in there, which I guess you would just not include that one. But I reckon it’s also biased towards the more expensive products being more likely to get a review as well, just because of the little TPT credit things. Oh, I’ve never thought about that.

Michael F (00:38:27):
Yeah, because it’s a percentage of the, so more do more expensive products, get more reviews?

Andrea S (00:38:35):
I would say so because I’m more likely to review a $5 product, but if I buy a $2 product, I’m less likely to bother to review.

Michael F (00:38:46):
That is fascinating. I don’t know if you have any experience with that, Kim, or do you notice a difference between the products that get reviewed and the ones that don’t?

Kimberly T (00:38:57):
Yeah, I think the more expensive ones definitely do get more reviews rather than, oh, that would make sense.

Michael F (00:39:05):
Yeah, I’ve never thought about that, but that’s brilliant. I still think if you are able to, my big strategy 10 year plan is be so good they can’t ignore you because then you find you build that community of email lists of people who are raving fans who just love what you do. And then I think if you can engage and MoVI mobilize that community, then you the smaller products. But yeah, you’re right. So then I guess working back to something I saw that Andrea wrote that bundle idea of working backwards. Andrea, are you thinking about large price bundles to hit that?

Andrea S (00:39:56):
I think just bundles in general. I feel like I just need to be plating my products a bit more strategically. I think

Michael F (00:40:08):
There was something I wanted to add, but now, oh, now it’s gone. There was something that I wanted to add about something that Enrique had shared with me, but it’s gone. Okay. Andrea, I think the other way that you might find interesting to try to guess traffic is you could cite search in Google. I hate, sorry, this. Okay, I’m going to show you the way that I would do it. And Andrea, what you could do is, because I’m going to show you a paid thing, I do not recommend signing up for the paid trial only because yeah, I would be happy to help you out with a keyword research thing. So anyways, but if under TPT seller tools, SEMrush, keyword research, there is the free trial, but I would not, that’s just an email address, but you have to give a credit card card, but free keyword research tool for TPT.

Michael F (00:41:22):
So in that video and with Free TPT seller keyword in this tool here, I’m just showing you where, click here to get a copy. So click here and there’s a link to a form and I’ll do the keyword research for you because I don’t know what term is, but basically what I’ll do is I’ll go into samra. So a part of me thinks I could type ChatGPT lesson to get a sense of volume and ChatGPT P T lesson here. I’m going to guess that searching in Google and searching on TPT are probably pretty similar in terms of search volume because not everyone’s on TPT. I think if you’re searching on Google and you’re searching on TPT, it’s probably the same kind of people. And I’m just going to see, so Australia, because you’re in school right now probably, so I can see ChatGPT lesson plan 140 per month.

Michael F (00:42:23):
That’s how many people are searching for that. And then if I was to search up character trait, care trait, lesson plan, and I’m only adding lesson plan in here to force it from just people who are not teachers, because I think teachers would use a phrase like lesson plan, but not teachers character traits could be professors. I see that it has a search volume of 70 per month. So that’s why I would think just based on this little conversation between doing character traits and between doing ChatGPT P key, I wonder if for me, there’s more value in doing ChatGPT p t. So for example, in your case, Andrea, if you were to share with me, Hey, here’s what kind of search volume is there for this keyword, then what I would do actually, Andrew, give me an example of a keyword that you might be looking up or like, Hey, I think I’m going to do a lesson plan on this.

Andrea S (00:43:20):
Characteristics of life.

Michael F (00:43:23):
Characteristics of life lesson. Okay, so let’s just look that up so I can see. So this is where then I would, oh, I had no idea I could do that. I see that the search volume in the US, because that’s the database I on, it’s pretty consistent, but it’s low. But that doesn’t mean that. So then what I would do is characteristics, life characteristics. I play with variations of that characteristic lesson to see. And so then eventually the goal would be trying to find something that has a larger search volume and then that would probably those words, I would guess that’s what I would target in a blog post because I’m going after Google, but then I wonder, then I would take those words and then I would go into Chachi p t if I found out that life characteristics or life, no, the answer to that question, characteristics of life, what are the characteristics of life?

Andrea S (00:44:45):
Got it. Things like movement and respiration and things like that.

Michael F (00:44:55):
Okay, science, character, eristics of life, lesson plan, keywords. Hi Chachi, pt, what do you got for me? Blah, blah, blah. Okay. Cellular structure, growth and development. There

Andrea S (00:45:11):
You go. What

Michael F (00:45:15):
Curriculum is this? What grade level science does this hit? Would a teacher in the US hit this? I

Kimberly T (00:45:26):
Think it would be sixth or seventh for us. Okay.

Michael F (00:45:29):
So grades and Andrea, what have you found in your research?

Andrea S (00:45:35):
Not sure about the US in Australia, I’d probably say eight or nine.

Michael F (00:45:44):
Yeah. So in Canada we hit I characteristics of life. They would touch on it in grade one. And then they do grade seven ecosystems. Wait. But I think for Andrea, I think you mentioned in one of the posts that the US was your largest seller, like your largest

Andrea S (00:46:05):

Michael F (00:46:06):
I think. And we know TPT is just mainly US, Canada. So I would look in the US curriculum. Kim, is there a science curriculum? How does

Kimberly T (00:46:20):
There’s common core?

Michael F (00:46:22):
Is there a common core for science? Yeah,

Kimberly T (00:46:24):
I would look at the common core standards because it’s still it. I

Andrea S (00:46:29):
Thought Core was only for math in English, but

Michael F (00:46:32):
No, they’re

Kimberly T (00:46:33):
Science ones as well.

Andrea S (00:46:34):
Oh, Okay.

Kimberly T (00:46:35):
Yeah. All

Michael F (00:46:35):
Right. Good to know. I don’t even know what I’m common core state standards, national science. I don’t even know what here. Okay, I’m going to try Characteristics. We’re

Kimberly T (00:46:47):
Way off.

Michael F (00:46:49):
Yeah, if I went to the Common Core website, I

Kimberly T (00:46:53):
Might be wrong, but I thought at one point, Yeah,

Michael F (00:46:57):
I feel like there is something. So I would,

Kimberly T (00:47:00):
Yeah, I was like, okay, I see. Yeah.

Michael F (00:47:03):
So just off the top of my head, Andrew, what I would do, NASA probably has life plans and what are the characteristics of life, but for K2 or so I would wonder, Hey, I would even wonder what keywords can you give me a list of and keywords from this page? Great. What you got for me, ChatGPT? Oh yes, you can. Sometimes you do and sometimes you don’t. Chatgpt p t. All right. Oh, and here’s the curriculum. Ng N, next generation science. Something, something, something, something. Yeah. So that’s what I would look up, Andrea. Okay. Okay. Oh, hey, you did fi. Okay. No, none of that is, sorry, I’m going to try one more time. What keywords can I have a list of keyword phrases for this, so I just copy pasted it. Sure. Common traits in life. Yeah, so I would look up these, I know you’re looking characteristics in life, and I would find what the subject, figure out what the nng s, NGSS phrasing was. And then I would look for lesson plan in TPT.

Kimberly T (00:48:38):
When I searched on Google, I just found a product and it’s ecosystems, but it’s third grade and they have it in there, the next Generation Science standards and Ok. Can

Michael F (00:48:50):
You share that link in the chat?

Kimberly T (00:48:52):
Yep, I sure can.

Michael F (00:48:54):
I love Zoom. It’s like bloop.

Kimberly T (00:48:56):

Michael F (00:48:57):
I’m starting to zoom.

Kimberly T (00:48:59):
Its almost 300 reviews, so I’m guessing people are looking for that.

Andrea S (00:49:03):
Okay, thanks Kim. Yeah,

Kimberly T (00:49:05):

Michael F (00:49:06):
So then I would wonder how you could create a variation of that for your niche and then try to figure out, I think that’s what one of the sellers I was chatting with does is they look at, they figure out whatever the keyword is that has a lot of traffic, and then they try to figure out what their take would be or what’s like, oh, there’s a whole bunch of handouts, but there aren’t this. And then they create that product that’s missing and then they try to rank for that. Hey, so oh, teachers pay teachers, here we go. Right? Wow. So 277 ratings times 120. 7,000 times 10. Yes. Two $70,000. But I can tell, but in fairness, when I look at this, their product ID is isn’t in the millions. So they were one of the first products, right? This is a whale. They’re great ecosystems. Yeah, yeah. Oh, sorry, you had the curriculum. So here are the state standards. Is this IT measurement? This is math reading.

Kimberly T (00:50:16):
I don’t think TPT includes those for some reason.

Michael F (00:50:20):
Yeah. Oh, here you go. So next generation science standards, that’s what you’re talking about. Ecosystem dynamics. Yeah. Yeah. I would wonder ecosystems dynamic, because if I think as was new teacher mode, I would look up those, whatever the curriculum was, lesson plan, right. Or unit, and then trying to figure out, yeah, teach, play, learn, see, while that’s crazy, they only have 1,400 followers, are they? But they started the game so early.

Kimberly T (00:50:55):
It looks like an older product to me because it doesn’t have, well, they

Andrea S (00:50:59):
Have 18 products.

Michael F (00:51:02):
18 products.

Andrea S (00:51:05):
That’s a lot of followers for 18 products,

Michael F (00:51:09):
But they’ve been around for 10 years.

Kimberly T (00:51:11):
Yeah. Oh, that was my,

Michael F (00:51:12):
So if it’s a hundred year, I don’t know if that’s that much of a stretch, but I also heard through the grapevine that if you don’t update your products, eventually what’ll happen is they just stop selling. I think that there’s something in the formula that, but if you constantly update your products, then yeah, because I’m was asking could you just create products and then just have it churn out cash? And I think eventually the algorithm stops showing you places. But yeah. Do

Andrea S (00:51:43):
You Have to update the product or just the listing?

Michael F (00:51:47):
Great question. And I have no idea. I, I’ve updated listings to see if they make a boost in my ChatGPT experiment and it doesn’t. But I think now I remember, okay, Kim, you had talked about how last this month wasn’t as great as the previous year or last month. And I remember chatting with Enrique and she was saying that in another TPT guru, what their approach is they look like. So for example, for July, they look at their top best sellers in July from the previous year. They look at all the products and they update them and figure out like, oh, is that still fresh? Is that still relevant? But I bet you updating those products themselves or updating the product description or fixing the covers, I bet you that helps with the signal boost. So

Kimberly T (00:52:42):
I did that. That’s the thing. So like I probably messed up somewhere along the line, or, I dunno. Cause I definitely updated a whole bunch of updated them.

Michael F (00:52:58):
Do you save your pages before you were made changes?

Kimberly T (00:53:01):
No, cause that would be too much. I, yeah.

Michael F (00:53:05):
Ok. I think

Kimberly T (00:53:06):
Talking about that,

Michael F (00:53:09):
You’re killing me. You’re killing me. Ok,

Kimberly T (00:53:11):
Sorry. No, no, no. I think I had updated them before we were chatting about that.

Michael F (00:53:18):
Okay, so I’m going to show you where it is in here. TPT shutdown episode. Okay. So watch this episode because there’s an extension in here where I literally show you my process, right? Set loose. So watch this because it has the settings for this free extension. And basically all I do before I make a change is if I go to a T TPT product here. So I’ll do this right now, I’ll literally do this. I’ll click on this save button,

Kimberly T (00:53:59):

Michael F (00:53:59):
It takes a second and it thinks, and then it saves this entire page. So I don’t have to, I literally just click a button and I have it set up with a warning. So this one here, I have a folder called backup descriptions. This is for my six Cs, this is for my bundle. So this is only for the bundles. And then if I make a change, I, here’s the New Year’s 2023 title. Here’s whatever. So I do that. And the reason why I do that is because later on, if I’m like, sales have dropped, I can just go in here and if I just copy the description and go all the way down to the bottom, wherever my end description is, sorry. And if you copy this and paste it in, the formatting won’t change. It’ll be an exact copy. Because I’ve changed as an experiment, one of my ChatGPT PT things, and it dropped from page five to page 15,

Kimberly T (00:55:09):
And I thought I, I’d added more ChatGPT PT keywords, and I thought it would’ve had a boost, but it actually went the other way.

Michael F (00:55:14):
So that’s why I just saving the page like that, I think,

Kimberly T (00:55:21):
Yeah, I think learned my lesson.

Michael F (00:55:23):
Yeah. Yeah. But you don’t know for sure there could be another player, something else came in and that’s why your sales didn’t do as well. Or maybe it was personalized search last year and you had an advantage from that. So it may not have been anything that you’ve done.

Kimberly T (00:55:40):
It was two years of consistent. I made the same amount two years in a row, and then I went and updated them. And I don’t know if that messed up or what

Michael F (00:55:53):
Was personalized search on two years ago?

Kimberly T (00:55:55):
I thought it was on in August last year.

Michael F (00:56:01):
Yeah, I think

Kimberly T (00:56:02):
It was August. Either August or September they turned it on.

Michael F (00:56:06):
We have eight minutes left. And the question that I want to ask people is, are you in inventing things to do, avoid doing the important, and I have this, here’s what I mean by this. So I have this literally on my, I have a drywall. I work in the basement and I have a dryboard on the staircase as I leave. And I have an alarm on my phone that goes off at 11 and two. And it just says, are you inventing, am I inventing things to avoid doing the important, and I’m going to TPT forward, and I think what I’m going to do is I’m just going to make business cards like this. And they’ll say, are you inventing things to do to avoid the important and then SEOT mindset on the back. But the reason why I ask this is because I have a small business client and they’re like, yeah, I’m going to incorporate and I’m going to pay my kids a salary, not a salary, but I’m going to pay my kids to do things because then I can write that off as a work expense.

Michael F (00:57:07):
But they haven’t figured out what their product is like, oh, I’m still trying to figure that out. And so the most important thing that they need to do is figure out, well, what’s your product? And just try to sell that. But no, I’m coming up with a, I’m trying to figure out a name or I’m trying to figure out, I’m trying to figure out how to set up my corporation. No, the whole point is from Dan Meredith, I think he said, if your business doesn’t make sales, then it’s just entrepreneurial masturbation to be crass. But that’s like, he’s a crass guy. But basically if you don’t have sales, you don’t have a business. So the most important thing is to get sales. So then are we inventing things to do that aren’t leading to sales? What do you think about that?

Kimberly T (00:57:57):
Oh, I definitely know I do.

Michael F (00:58:00):
Yeah. Okay. So wait, if I was to piggyback on that comment, what could you do or what should you be doing that would lead to sales? If you said that, you know, you’re avoiding the important, what’s the important for you?

Kimberly T (00:58:16):
For me, it’s like product creation.

Michael F (00:58:20):

Kimberly T (00:58:20):
Product uploading.

Michael F (00:58:21):
Yeah, because you think that when you, because in your experience so far, when you upload a product that leads to sales.

Kimberly T (00:58:27):

Michael F (00:58:28):
And is that from followers? Because you have followers and they’re seeing like, oh, here’s a new product, and then they check it out and then the page views bump. Why do you think that is?

Kimberly T (00:58:38):
I think so because I was looking back and seeing, I have a couple of people that buy again or buy, if they bought the summer one, they’ll buy the fall one.

Michael F (00:58:50):
And you’ve noticed that? Yeah. So then is that maybe marketing isn’t your thing, maybe it’s just churning out products because you get followers and maybe the thing is just to stress the follow my store and have that link in your pro. Do you have that already?

Kimberly T (00:59:07):

Michael F (00:59:08):
Yeah. So maybe product. Maybe that’s it. Like using that kind of, if you like this, you’re going to love my store, click here to follow or just get them. Yeah. So maybe that’s the most important strategy right now. Forget about blogging, forget about Pinterest. It’s just getting TPT followers and churning out products. Yeah, I don’t know. I’m just rambling. Andrea, are you inventing things to avoid doing the important

Andrea S (00:59:36):
Yeah, definitely. I have products that I uploaded and still don’t have a preview that I just keep kind of avoiding. Cause I don’t like making previews. Can

Michael F (00:59:51):
I ask, sorry, interrupted You. Go on.

Andrea S (00:59:59):
Do all the time. But if I can’t mentally picture how I want the preview to look, I don’t know how to go about it. I was almost tossing up paying someone to make a preview template, so I won’t have that issue. I can just drop the photos into wherever they need to go when adjust as needed.

Michael F (01:00:26):
Are you talking about a preview PDF or a preview video? Or are you talking about product cover? Just

Andrea S (01:00:32):
Like a preview pdf, d F. Why

Michael F (01:00:34):
Not just include your P D F with a gigantic watermark?

Andrea S (01:00:46):
Sometimes I do that.

Kimberly T (01:00:50):
Cause you can always just do. I think that’s the way I started was doing that. And then eventually when you get back to it, either that either hire out for it or go back and do it.

Michael F (01:01:03):
Yeah. Are

Kimberly T (01:01:04):
There like that you can buy off of TPT from other sailors?

Andrea S (01:01:09):
Yeah, I guess I probably should just do the watermark and then go back to it if I can think of something better later.

Michael F (01:01:18):
I have a question for you, Kim, in a second because just to piggyback on what you said. What I do is, because I sell reading resources and some English, Language, Arts people are very particular of the quality of writing. So what I do now is I literally showed the entire resource, this is a Canva file by the way, but I literally just showed the entire REVO resource with a preview file, and it used to originally just be the P D F with the preview watermark, but then I saw one of another teacher that I chat with, they do it as squares because then the page covers on a mobile device, it just automatically flips into the pdf. And I’m like, oh, I really like that. But for the longest time I just had the PDF with the preview on it because then it’s gigantic they can’t use it. But Kim, my question for you was did you find that you had an increase in conversion rate or an increase in sales once you went from just the PDF preview to fixing it up to some sort of the template that you wanted? Did you find a difference?

Kimberly T (01:02:35):
I think so. But then that’s when I was starting to get a little bit better at making product covers and everything.

Michael F (01:02:42):
So that’s where I wonder if actually that that’s not having a preview I think is important, I think. And because it’s constantly changes, but the whole idea about are you inventing things to avoid doing, the most important thing is to get sales. So my question for Andrea is when you look at your products that don’t have a preview, do they have a lot of page previews or sorry, not page previews. Do they have a lot of page views?

Andrea S (01:03:20):

Michael F (01:03:21):
So I would even argue that you could, let’s say having a preview on your product doubles your conversion rate because you don’t have any page views, it’s not going to lead to a lot of sales. I think the important thing to get more sales on that is to get more page views.

Kimberly T (01:03:44):
And I think TPT is starting to penalize those that don’t have or give a little boost to people that have previews on In the search algorithm.

Michael F (01:03:58):

Kimberly T (01:03:59):
That with

Andrea S (01:03:59):

Kimberly T (01:04:00):
Personalized search.

Michael F (01:04:02):
Yeah, that’s an interesting experiment. But yeah, maybe that’s true. I could see that.

Andrea S (01:04:10):
But I think I still turn up on the first page even though I’ve got no previews For

Michael F (01:04:17):
Those keywords

Andrea S (01:04:20):
For that particular product line I’m talking about. Yeah.

Michael F (01:04:23):
Yeah. So I think what would lead to sales as an outsider, if I think about what would I do, I would do the Enrique approach, which is she goes into a Facebook group for the topic, not a TPT seller group, but a science Facebook group with science teachers finds a group where you’re allowed to either share resources or what she does is she shares to a page that has a whole bunch of free stuff, like free content, and then at the end she has a link to her product and that’s how she gets page views. And then the page views convert for her. Is

Andrea S (01:05:01):
It her own free content or other people’s free content?

Michael F (01:05:05):
You ask great questions here. I’m going to try to, she is math to You could add message her in the SEOT forms, but this is her pay hip site. I don’t recommend recommend Pay Hip at all because these pages aren’t indexed on Google. So she and I are working to take her content onto her WordPress site, but I want to say she has a blog and I feel like she had one for St. Patrick’s Day. Yeah, this is it. I remember this. So what she did here, and I’ll share this in the chat just so that you guys have it. So I think her strategy, because this is the whole thing, the lesson I learned from her was, oh, St. Patrick’s Day, she thought it was timely and that’s why she got the boost in Facebook. So that’s what made me think about doing ChatGPT because it’s timely, but this is literally what she shared in that Facebook group.

Michael F (01:06:00):
And I guess, I dunno, I thought there were more freebies, but maybe not. But yeah, I think that’s the experimentation thing. But I think Facebook groups don’t want spammy TPT constant links. So I think if you made a blog post or a link that was legit listing a whole bunch of free content and then somewhere in there had a link to your TPT product, I think that would be less spammy for Facebook groups. I don’t know if Kim or Andrea, if you have an opinion on that, but Cause I Facebook and I don’t get along, but

Andrea S (01:06:35):
Yeah, I’m not a big Facebook person either myself.

Michael F (01:06:39):
Yeah, Yeah. But see, I feel like older teachers who want printables hang out in Facebook,

Kimberly T (01:06:49):

Michael F (01:06:49):
I think that’s the phrase, go to where the fish are. So yeah. So if I am Andrea and I know that I want, and I know that this product is good, I legitimately think it’s a good resource and I would use it myself. Then the important thing that you’re avoiding is going to Facebook group to talk about, not in a spammy way, but join Facebook, join American Facebook groups. If possible, but join American teacher Facebook groups on your topic, in your grade level to see what they’re chatting about. Because then you might be like, oh, I have so many product ideas because this is what people are looking for. And then create products that solve that need and then tell them about it. I think that would make more sales for you than making a product preview on a product that’s not getting a lot of page views anyways.

Andrea S (01:07:50):
Yeah, because yeah, no point having a good conversion rate if you’re getting such slow traffic.

Michael F (01:07:58):
Yeah, I guess like a hundred percent of 50% of 10 is five, but 10% of a hundred is 10. There’s probably a better math ex example there, but yeah, so the lesson that I’ve learned is just spending, so the guy, Dan Meredith, in his audiobook, he was just saying basically every day he has a dentist appointment, which is what he calls new business development, which is basically getting paid views in your pipeline. For us, him, it’s chatting with people and pitching them on website stuff or whatever, or whatever he’s selling. But yeah, page views. That would be my cha. So, okay, so having thought about this, having chatted about this, my question now is, and I’m going to write down our homework because I’m going to ask you about it next time, is in going through all these lessons, sorry, here we go. What will you do between today and next class, which is July 1st, which is Canada Day. What will you do between now and next class? With the question being are you avoid inventing things to do, avoid the important, so that’s the question. I don’t know if someone wants to go first or if you want me to go first,

Kimberly T (01:09:21):
I think I’m just going to stick to making those products, especially those back. I had four products that I was going to try to make this month.

Michael F (01:09:31):

Kimberly T (01:09:31):
So hopefully getting those products made.

Michael F (01:09:36):
So if we were to be very specific, because next week Kim, I’m going to say, Hey Kim, did you publish, tell me the name of the pro, which of those products has the best chance of making sales of new sales? I

Kimberly T (01:09:50):
Think The circle time props. I still haven’t.

Michael F (01:09:53):
Yeah, because also I think you said if they bought the summer one, they’ll probably buy the fall one. Was that your thinking? Yeah. Circle time props.

Kimberly T (01:10:04):

Michael F (01:10:04):
Okay. So I’m going to ask you, you next time, did you publish circle time props. Okay. Andrea, if you are not inventing tasks, and if you are focusing on the important, which is sales, what will your homework be?

Andrea S (01:10:23):
I think I’ll make another product for that genetic engineering product line, because that’s actually been selling, so I’ll stick with what’s been working. Do more of that instead of

Michael F (01:10:37):

Andrea S (01:10:38):
Yeah, more shiny objects.

Michael F (01:10:40):
Do you have a bundle for the genetic engineering one?

Andrea S (01:10:44):
Yes. It’s only got two things in it, but that that’s also been selling relatively well.

Michael F (01:10:51):
Okay. So then that’s That’s it for sure, because if you publish genetic engineering stuff and you upsell to the bundle, do you have any reviews on the bundle yet? I

Andrea S (01:11:03):
Think I have one.

Michael F (01:11:04):
And is it actually okay? Is it good?

Andrea S (01:11:07):
Yeah. Yeah. The bundle has a good review, but one of the products in it is the three star, Which, right,

Michael F (01:11:15):
But the bundle might still sell. I have a bundle like that where one of the products is, has low reviews, but the bundle still sells. But when you publish that genetic engineering one, the new one, you can say, if you like this, you should check out the bundle, the growing bundle, and then just paste the review in that for social proof. Yeah, I wonder if that would help with sales. Okay. My homework, because I’m tempted, I was tempted to switch to the HIM approach of publishing new products to get in front of 2000 eyeballs and my followers, but I think I’m going to just a, avoid the shiny object, even though it’s a good shiny object. I’m going to stick with my ChatGPT. I’m going to frigging finish the transcription, post it online with the goal of in September when people are looking for back to school fun activities, here’s a debate, it’s all free.

Michael F (01:12:17):
Use us at the start of the year. Although teachers might not because it’s like, oh, you’re showing teachers how you’re showing students how to cheat, but those people aren’t. My people are the ones who love technology and critical thinking, and yeah, this is the perfect, can we trust everything. So my people will love this resource. So I’m going to try, I’m going to focus on publishing that blog post. So Kim, I know you’ll be here, Andrea, if you’re here, great. I’m sorry to hear about the pneumonia, but Kim asked me, did you? No, ask me. Let’s see that blog post that you said you were going to publish.

Kimberly T (01:12:54):

Michael F (01:12:55):

Kimberly T (01:12:55):

Michael F (01:12:57):
It was awesome chatting with you too. Like this. Legitimately, I love starting my Saturdays. This, I’ll post up the video so that Sadia and Angelique, when you see it, like, Hey, I’m thinking of you, and I hope you guys have a great Saturday. Thanks for coming.

Kimberly T (01:13:16):
Bye guys. Have See you

Michael F (01:13:18):
Guys later.

Andrea S (01:13:20):

Michael F (01:13:21):
Bye. And meeting for all.